Growing Online Income

October Income Report – Hell Yeah.

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Vale, hola Panama!

I’ve made my way to Central America… and it’s different. A good different.

I have visited Mexico, briefly. When I was in San Diego a few years ago I did a little trip down to Tijuana and Ensenada and really liked it, but that’s it! So far, Panama’s good. I’ve actually had a bit of a change of heart and am leaning towards living in Panama instead of Guatemala. I was apprehensive about moving to Panama as it was “our plan” and I wanted to deviate away from anything to do with my ex, but the truth is it seems to be the easiest and safest route. I’ve heard very mixed things about Guatemala – some positive, and some mildly terrifying, such two guys I just met being robbed at gun point fairly recently.

Panama is also the happiest place in the world, apparently, so that doesn’t sound like a bad place to live. I have a week in Panama city before I fly to Guatemala. I’m still gonna use my flight and see what the country is like, but I have a feeling I’ll be back to Panama soon. I think I’ll spend my month in Guatemala wisely and take some private language lessons as I need to learn Spanish.

I had a great time in America – both in New York and around Florida. I spent way too much money and am now on a spending ban because I really want to get some serious savings under my belt.

October Income Report

$20013.71 New Zealand Dollars or 15799.92 US Dollar

I’m pretty happy with that, especially as I probably did the least work in any month I’ve worked online and earned a pretty tidy sum.

My Goals for October were:

Hit $20,000: Yay it happened. Barely, but $20k is 20k. That’s such a ridiculous amount of money, I’d love to maintain this amount and now I’m working hard to push through a new barrier.

Detach (outsourcing everything): this is going SO well, I can’t believe it. While I was in America I didn’t really work. At all. And money kept coming in still. This is a dream come true and I’m living it. I want to spend the next few months before I have to return to New Zealand expanding and diversifying. My ultimate goal is $30,000 a month – my old salary when I first started working.

Be Ridiculously Kind to Myself: Mhmmm… I was a little too kind, at least in regards to my spending. Anything my heart – or materialistic mind – wanted, I bought. That was fun as I essentially replaced all of my clothes, bought 5 pairs of shoes, make up blah blah. I went crazy, but now I’m back on track for spending and saving.

Goals for November

– even though we’re almost half way through the month –

Start Speaking Spanish: It’s surprising how much Spanish I understand but my instinct is to still yell “I don’t speak Spanish” in English (despite being able to say it perfectly fine in Spanish) and running off. It’s hard because I know I can have a perfectly fine life without challenging myself to learn Spanish, but it’s been a goal for around a decade, and it’s just time… So within this month I’ll be forcing myself to hire a prviate tutor in Guatemala and learning Spanish.

Spend at least 5 Hours a Week on Building my Business: Yeah, five hours isn’t a lot. But I haven’t been consistently working on *growing* my business at all. Not for months! I needed a bit of a mental break to clear my head and rearrange my life, but now I need to hustle. I want to make the most of this opportunity.

Start the Panamanian Visa Process: I need to order a new police report as it was sent to my ex’s parents. I also need documentation from my bank, as well as some cash to start the bank account with.

How was your month of October? Working on anything special for November? Let me know!!! I’ll be around a lot more from now onwards so would love to hear what you’re up to!