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Monthly Income Reports

Tips for Cutting Down on Travel Costs

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Travel is one of life’s greatest luxuries and adventures. Seeing new places, meeting new people and visiting places you’ve seen in movies. It’s exciting! While travel can be expensive, there are tons of ways you can cut down costs to ensure that you can visit more places and travel a little longer than you thought.

Here are some of my favourite tips for cutting down on travel costs:

1. Use Airbnb
Hotels can often be pretty pricey, but I’ve been using Airbnb for the past few years to save on accommodation. The benefits are two fold, because not only is it cheaper than a hotel, but you usually have a decent kitchen so you can cook, further saving money on your trip. It’s a great way to feel like you’re at home, away from home.

2. Find Mistake Fares
There’s heaps of sites and Facebook pages dedicated to the art of finding mistake fares. Often airlines accidentally release fares that are way cheaper than usual. I’ve managed to find flights from Guatemala to Paris return for only $450 which is super cheap. Just book your accommodation and other things a little later, in case the airline cancels the deal.

3. Save Money with Advanced Train Fares
Booking a train fare in advance is great for a number of reasons – you’ll get a wider range of times to choose from, as well as more seat selection. Booking weeks in advance can save you 50% or more of the total fare, so it’s definitely worth looking into. Below is a handy infographic from Voucher Cloud that helps explain how you can save serious money with advanced train fares.

March Income Report

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So, things have been a little quiet around here. I’ve been getting my life back to how I want it to be. I’ve been busy; I’ve found an apartment, a moto, a boyfriend and even convinced one of my best friends to move to Guatemala, so needless to say life is GOOD.

After the breakup I felt really lost and I needed a lot of mental space from work. Business was going great, mostly due to the fact I had outsourced almost everything. But I was struggling. I felt burned out. I wanted a break, so a break I had.

March has been the first month where I’ve been really seriously hustling in my business. I changed a few things, which have made a big difference and I’m thrilled to announce that March was my BIGGEST month of earnings, ever, and not that far away from my ‘magic’ number goal.

Tonight I’m off to Tikal with my boyfriend and then in less than two weeks I’ll be heading to the states and Europe. My plan is to work really hard the first half of this month, before I head off, then relax and enjoy the semi passive income.

Curious how I did in the month of March? Read on:

March Income Report

$26 753.92 New Zealand Dollars or $19955.62  US Dollar

Insert  happy dance. Considering this amount is tax free, that is a little crazy… I’m extremely pleased. I want to push push push push push and push as much as I can before I go home to New Zealand in June. I plan to set up some investments there so I can start diversifying. Having all my eggs in one basket is scary and dangerous.

I didn’t have any goals for March except to hustle and I think it’s safe to say that went well.

Goals for April

Outsource More:
I love a new month, I love a fresh start. I have a few goals for this month. I just posted a new job on Elance to hire someone to help with specific areas of my business, such as social media, research for my travels and contact hunting. The secret, for me, to making more money is to have more websites or more contacts, so…  I want to find more contacts, but I want to outsource this.

Have a Fantastic Holiday:
I’m super excited about this trip as I’m meeting up with some friends at Coachella I haven’t seen in a year. Then I’m meeting up with some other friends I haven’t seen in a year in Europe. Life is good, I’m blessed. I’m going to: LA, Coachella, Copenhagen (first time!), Barcelona, Costa Brava (first time), Santorini (first time), Athens (first time) and back to Istanbul. The best part? I can’t wait to come back to Guatemala.

Maintain or Improve This Income Level:
This month was a big jump up from the previous month, so I’d really love to maintain it or better yet, improve on it. I’m around $3,500 away from hitting my magic number. I would love for that to happen in April!

How was your month or March? Did you earn more or less than the previous month? Let me know in the comments below.

November Income Report & My Magic Number

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Hola from Costa Rica.

At the moment I’m in Playa Samara. I just arrived last night. I really, really like it here. So far I’ve already met two people in my hostel that work online; one who is a programmer and the other one designs websites. I feel so relieved to meet people like me – people who are working online, location independent and are traveling around the world.

I’ve been accepted into a Spanish, yoga and photography course starting on Saturday. It’s fairly expensive – runs at around $700USD per week, which is crazy as it is just the course and board in a shared room. So far I’ve decided I’ll do three weeks worth and see how I feel. If I really like it, I’ve mentally given myself permission to stay on for eight weeks maximum. I’m really looking forward to having a place for at least three weeks, unpacking my bags and making a bit of a routine.

I’ve decided to spend the next three months really working on my business. I’m happy with how things are, but I also think I need to see if I can take things to the next level.

November was a fantastic month considering I didn’t really work at all. It will be my last ‘passive income month’ for the next three months. Let’s see if I can make a change to my monthly income.

By the way, when I was in the Amazon, I caught a piranha. I ate it later too. I feel like this is worth mentioning because it was pretty awesome.


November Income Report

$17516.85 New Zealand Dollars or 13641.51  US Dollar

I’m happy with that! It’s a really solid amount of cash, especially if you consider how many hours I worked (pretty close to zero). However, I’m a little bit tired of reaching the $20k mark and then falling a few thousand below again the following month(s). In order to see change, I need to change what I’m doing.

It’s time to grow, grow, grow.

My Magic Number

One thing that’s really hard about my industry is that it’s fairly inconsistent. I haven’t been working long enough to know the monthly variations. In November I made around $2,500 less than the previous month. Was it just because November is simply a quieter month. Did my VA not hustle enough? My goal is to get to $30,000 a month – a number that used to be my annual salary. I’ve been talking about this for six months and I’ve made no real progress towards this goal. Why? Because it feels like too much of a leap.

So I’m breaking it down.

My new magic number is a 10% increase from month to month. For the month of December my goal is to do 10% better than November. That would mean I’d need to make an extra $1,751 for the month of December compared to November.

If I increase my income by 10% each month I should be able to reach $30,000 within six months – so by the month of June. This is also when I plan to be visiting New Zealand for a month so it’s a nice goal.

How did you do in the month of November? Do you have any goals for the end of the year? Share in the comments below.

October Income Report – Hell Yeah.

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Vale, hola Panama!

I’ve made my way to Central America… and it’s different. A good different.

I have visited Mexico, briefly. When I was in San Diego a few years ago I did a little trip down to Tijuana and Ensenada and really liked it, but that’s it! So far, Panama’s good. I’ve actually had a bit of a change of heart and am leaning towards living in Panama instead of Guatemala. I was apprehensive about moving to Panama as it was “our plan” and I wanted to deviate away from anything to do with my ex, but the truth is it seems to be the easiest and safest route. I’ve heard very mixed things about Guatemala – some positive, and some mildly terrifying, such two guys I just met being robbed at gun point fairly recently.

Panama is also the happiest place in the world, apparently, so that doesn’t sound like a bad place to live. I have a week in Panama city before I fly to Guatemala. I’m still gonna use my flight and see what the country is like, but I have a feeling I’ll be back to Panama soon. I think I’ll spend my month in Guatemala wisely and take some private language lessons as I need to learn Spanish.

I had a great time in America – both in New York and around Florida. I spent way too much money and am now on a spending ban because I really want to get some serious savings under my belt.

October Income Report

$20013.71 New Zealand Dollars or 15799.92 US Dollar

I’m pretty happy with that, especially as I probably did the least work in any month I’ve worked online and earned a pretty tidy sum.

My Goals for October were:

Hit $20,000: Yay it happened. Barely, but $20k is 20k. That’s such a ridiculous amount of money, I’d love to maintain this amount and now I’m working hard to push through a new barrier.

Detach (outsourcing everything): this is going SO well, I can’t believe it. While I was in America I didn’t really work. At all. And money kept coming in still. This is a dream come true and I’m living it. I want to spend the next few months before I have to return to New Zealand expanding and diversifying. My ultimate goal is $30,000 a month – my old salary when I first started working.

Be Ridiculously Kind to Myself: Mhmmm… I was a little too kind, at least in regards to my spending. Anything my heart – or materialistic mind – wanted, I bought. That was fun as I essentially replaced all of my clothes, bought 5 pairs of shoes, make up blah blah. I went crazy, but now I’m back on track for spending and saving.

Goals for November

– even though we’re almost half way through the month –

Start Speaking Spanish: It’s surprising how much Spanish I understand but my instinct is to still yell “I don’t speak Spanish” in English (despite being able to say it perfectly fine in Spanish) and running off. It’s hard because I know I can have a perfectly fine life without challenging myself to learn Spanish, but it’s been a goal for around a decade, and it’s just time… So within this month I’ll be forcing myself to hire a prviate tutor in Guatemala and learning Spanish.

Spend at least 5 Hours a Week on Building my Business: Yeah, five hours isn’t a lot. But I haven’t been consistently working on *growing* my business at all. Not for months! I needed a bit of a mental break to clear my head and rearrange my life, but now I need to hustle. I want to make the most of this opportunity.

Start the Panamanian Visa Process: I need to order a new police report as it was sent to my ex’s parents. I also need documentation from my bank, as well as some cash to start the bank account with.

How was your month of October? Working on anything special for November? Let me know!!! I’ll be around a lot more from now onwards so would love to hear what you’re up to!

September Income Report

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Woah, so September has been pretty life changing. I am now a single lady with the freedom to do whatever I want and it’s so liberating. I’ve also started trying to outsource everything so I can be a lot more free and enjoy life more. It’s going well so far.

Due to the nasty break up there were about 2 weeks where I didn’t really work. I just did yoga, ate raw food and had amazing conversations. It wasn’t a bad way to spend two weeks, but I felt guilty and was apprehensive that it would be my worst month ever. WRONG!

The income published is made through advertising on my network of blogs. I keep the blogs, except from Wealth Way Online private – this is to protect them, my business and my income.

July Income Report:

$18460.05 New Zealand Dollars or 14359.98 US Dollar

That’s $3 578.75 more than I made in August. Hooray! So I survived a huge life changing experience, spent two massive days in transit, 3 days in hospital (I’m fine) and 2 weeks not really working and managed to come out that much ahead? Amazing. I’m VERY pleased and excited about my future.

Total Wealth Way Online Income: $1029.72 – I’m happy with that. It’s up on last month. It’s also about what I imagine my monthly expenses will be when I’m in Guatemala. How cool that this blog, all by itself, could pay for my life? Yes!

My Goals for last month were: exercise more (tick), break the $20 mark (not yet, but closer) and work on social media more (tick – I outsourced this a bit).

So I’m feeling pretty pleased with myself considering. I also feel pretty financially liberated as my ex was quite a big financial drain on me, and despite him earning an income from what I had taught him, we were not on the same playing field AT ALL. So it’s nice to be single and free to do what I want with my money.

Goals for October

Hit $20,000: It’s going to happen. Yes. That is all.

Detach: Now I’m outsourcing almost everything to my VA, I need to let go. I still have my emails on my iPhone. I need to get rid of them. I need to leave it to her!

Be Ridiculously Kind to Myself: The break up was pretty crappy. He was my best friend, so I lost a lot that day. I’m being kind to myself, this week I’ve taken myself out shopping a few times. New FCUK dress? OK! New shoes? OK! New skirt? OK! Massage, manicure, pedicure? SURE! I’m giving myself whatever I want, because I just want to be kind to myself. I’ve been saying for AGES I want to upgrade my wardrobe, so I’m doing it slowly. Although, considering I plan to visit NY in 1-2 months, I think I should wait a little… the shopping’s apparently really great there!

So there we go, not a bad month for me, at all. I spent quite a lot on last minute flights to leave Thailand after I found out what happened, and then also on last minute flights back to Thailand to hang out with my friend. But it’s nice being able to afford to give myself what I need (and want) to heal and move forward.

The truth is, early on in our relationship I doubted we would have an exceptional life. I worked hard and stressed a lot about money so we would have the level of financial security I felt comfortable with. The longer we date, the less I doubted us having an exceptional life – I saw it as possible. But it is only since we’ve broken up that I can truly see how much MORE exceptional my life will be without him.

What were your goals for September? How did you get on? I’d love to hear about it!

August Income Report

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Well this is my first income report from the road! The start of the month was going really well and I was hoping to break that elusive $20,000 barrier and then everything seemed to go wrong: I couldn’t find decent WIFI and my laptop has broken down. There’s something wrong with the WIFI which made it basically impossible to work for a week!

In saying that, I am still happy with the final number. If you haven’t read it yet, check out my post on my first month in Asia wrap up – it explains a lot of the reasons why I think my income is down, but how I have saved a LOT of money on travel in other ways.

The income published is made through advertising on my network of blogs. I keep the blogs, except from Wealth Way Online private – this is to protect them, my business and my income.

July Income Report:

$14881.30 New Zealand Dollars or 12435.93 US Dollar

That’s 2606.99 less than I made in the month of July. Considering that amount of money alone would cover my living expenses in Asia, I am a little bummed.

But it’s also, oddly enough, roughly the amount of money I have saved on my living expenses by spending that month in Bali.

Total Wealth Way Online Income: $794.28 which is a pretty big drop from last months! That’s almost half of last month… I need to hustle more.

Overall Thoughts and Feelings

I think it’s hard to be disappointed because it’s still a great month’s income, but I don’t like feeling like I am going backwards. I am determined to get back to the $20,000 mark and that’s definitely my goal for this month. I want to have it all: travel AND a growing business.

September Goals

I have three main goals for September:

1) Exercise More:
I need to make exercise a priority for myself. I wouldn’t mind losing a few pounds and I would like to be healthier and fitter in general.

2) Break the $20,000 Mark:
I would LOVE to get past this barrier again. I was so excited when I first crossed it way back in May, and I want to do it again. It’s just $5,000 a week. I can do it!

3) Work on My Blog’s Social Media:
I want to grow my travel blog into a real resource. I need to work more on the social media. I have even hired someone to help me with my Instagram and Twitter for my travel blog so we will see how that goes!

How was the month of August for you? Up? Down? The same?

Let me know in the comments below!

July Income Report

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Hey guys, I’m posting live from Bali! Instead of being outside enjoying the surf, ocean and beautiful views I am in my hotel room with the aircon blasting. Today is Monday and I’ve set aside the day to power through work so I can spend the rest of the week enjoying my holiday. Sounds like a fair trade off to me.

For those of you who are new here, I post my monthly income reports to keep myself accountable and to motivate myself to push forward faster.

July was a weird month: the first half was pretty dead and I was already feeling a bit apprehensive after the drop from May’s income in June. In the end, things worked out pretty well, especially as the last week of July was spent cleaning, packing and flying to paradise.

The income published is made through advertising on my network of blogs. I keep the blogs, except from Wealth Way Online private – this is to protect them, my business and my income.

July Income Report:

$17488.29 New Zealand Dollar or $14,887.26 USD

That’s $1598.40 MORE than last month.

With everything that was going on in July, including moving out of my apartment, packing up my bags, flying to Bali AND the fact it was the summer holidays in the UK, I’m extremely happy.

This month I made a total of $1516.00 from Wealth Way Online

That’s $311 more than last month, which is a pretty good jump

Overall Thoughts and Feelings

I really thought I was going to come in a few thousand less than I did this month, so I’m extremely happy. I was so busy the last week and so many people were away during the month of July, that I am very pleased with how it was. I am still a little bummed I haven’t managed to break through the $20,000 mark again, but I have a really good feeling about August.

August Goals

I’ve already written about my goals for the month of August in this post here. Feel free to check them out and let me know if you have any specific work orientated goals for this month – I’d love to hear them.

How Work and Travel is Going

Yesterday I decided today, Monday, was going to be a full work day. I am feeling quite behind as I have been really busy the past week, so wanted to set aside a clear block of time to get things done. I went to Starbucks, hoping to use their Wifi and it was slow. I googled “Best places for Wifi in Kuta” only to find that another coffee shop apparently had the best Wifi. I headed there and it was patchy and slow… so now I have just come back to my hotel to work. I prefer working in a cafe if possible, but at the end of the day I just need some speedy net to get things done.

I haven’t been working enough – it’s been a little too much holiday so far, but I am determined to get to a good balance this week – I’ll keep you updated.

So tell me, how was your month of July? Did you earn much in online income or do you earn any money in overtime? Let me know in the comments below! 

June Income Report

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I was apprehensive about posting my income online, especially under my real name – but there’s a purpose to this. It keeps me accountable and it shows people just starting out making money online that you can earn a really good income online.

The income published is made through advertising on my network of blogs. I keep the blogs, except from Wealth Way Online private – this is to protect them, my business and my income.

June Income Report:

$15889.89 New Zealand Dollar or $13932.18 USD

That’s $5372.30 less than last month.

I can’t say that I’m over the moon at going backwards with my income, but I think I’ve figured out why. I’ll explain why further below.

This month I made a total of $1205.00 from Wealth Way Online

That’s $177.84 less than last month.

What Did I do “Wrong” In June?

Let’s be honest, a $5,000 drop in a month income is a big deal. It was one of those month that started off slow, in the middle I went away and didn’t push hard with work and then was slow at the end. I knew it wasn’t going to be a ground breaking month and I was OK with that.

May was a crazy month – I mentally pushed myself to believing that I could earn over $20,000 and was very surprised to make it. So why was June so much less? I can’t be sure but here are some ideas.

1) I didn’t set a goal for June.
If you don’t prepare, you’re preparing to fail. I didn’t prepare any goals, set any restrictions or anything like that. I just wanted to see how I’d go. Rookie mistake.
I am way more motivated when I have an outrageous goal, so I’ll be setting a goal of at least $20,000 for the month of July.

2) I wasn’t so aggressive with emails.
After being borderline obsessed with emails in May, I needed a break. There’s only so many times you can write a “Just checking in to see if you got my previous message and were interested in working together” style email before you want to stab your eyes out. I needed a break!

3) Summer holidays?
I have received a LOT of auto responders from my clients during this month, far more than average. I don’t know whether it’s *just* the clients I work with directly that are away, or them *and* their clients. Either way, it’s noticeably been drier than usual.

4) Seasonal variation?
Last June was quiet and so was July and then August was my best month ever (until this year), so I am not going to stress too much. At the end of the day $15,000 a month is still a great income and I’m proud of that. If all I earned was $15,000 a month consistently I’d still be exceptionally happy.

My Goals For June Were

Outsource more: PASS/FAIL
I have a new virtual assistant who helps me with research. He’s really great and helping with some other projects I am looking to get off the ground, so a nice big pass in that regard. However, I gave up on getting someone to take care of my emails. The truth is, I like it and they’ll be easier when I’m traveling because the time zone will be more appropriate. I might revisit this later in the year, but for now I actually like being in control of my emails.

Finish Off Unfinished Projects: PASS
This has been a great month for tidying up unfinished projects, and while I’m not completely finished I have made great progress.

My Goals for July

Be More Aggressive with Emails
I’ve discussed this a lot already, so you know the deal, homies.

More Projects
I don’t do a lot with my downtime and it might be a bit ambitious to suggest I take on more projects when I’m just about to leave, but I need to make the most of the next four weeks.

Earn More than $20,000
I’ve done it once before so I know it’s possible (and that’s half the struggle) so let’s do it again.

All in all, not a terrible month, but always a bummer performing considerably less than the previous month.

How was your month of June? Did you make any money online? I’d love to hear how you’re doing in the comments below

May Income Report

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The purpose of these monthly income reports is to keep myself accountable, to track my earnings and to inspire others. It is possible to make a good living online. In May I made what I used to make in 7-8 months, in a month!

This income is made through advertising on my blogs and at this stage I have no intention of sharing any of my other blogs on this site. It is to protect them and to keep them private. If and when this blog starts to make any income I will list that separately so you can see how it’s doing.

Total for the month of May:

$21262.19 New Zealand Dollar or $18043.09 US Dollar

That’s $7676.57NZD more than last month. 

I’m very happy with that! I wrote in my April Income Report 2014 that I wanted to earn over $20,000 and I did it. I am actually quite surprised I surpassed goals, as the last week of the month was pretty quiet.

I did make some money from this blog and the total earnings from Wealth Way Online was: $1382.84 NZD

What I did Differently in May

Got on Top of my Emails
I sat down one day in April and wrote down what I thought were my limitations of my business model. I have a little Moleskin notebook that I’d bought in order to figure out what I could do to improve my business, post ideas, whatever. I realised that my emails were my weakest link, without question. Often I would read an email, forget to respond to it and then my inbox would fill up again and the deal would almost be lost. In May I was very diligent about being more responsive with my emails, clearing out the emails and of course I had my email assistant helping me manage my emails.

I Actively Looked for New Contacts
Linkedin is a great tool for networking and if you work in advertising you can use it to find the details of people who work at various companies and cold call them, by email. Often the email format is which makes it very easy to pitch. Even if you get the email sent out to the wrong department, they’ll often forward it on to someone. My success rate isn’t very good from doing this, but it has certainly made a noticeable impact on my income.

I Started Monetizing This Blog
Although in the long term I would like to move towards affiliate marketing, I have made a small amount of money from this blog which came in at a total of $1382.84 NZD. I’m pretty happy with this figure. When we move to overseas, travel indefinitely and stop paying tax  this amount of income would probably be able to pay for my entire expenses. So everything else I earned could be saved – amazing!

I Created a Client Matrix
I got my virtual assistant to create a matrix which had every client down one side and then whether I’d worked with them on a certain site on another site. I started to see all the gaps in my business, where people who I know are paying customers just hadn’t worked on a certain site. I think this was the biggest step I made towards increasing my income this month and it’s something I will continue with.


My Goals for May Were

Be More Aggressive: PASS
I was very good at following up on emails, being more persistent.

Get More Contacts: PASS
I found a few new contacts that resulted in a few thousand dollars in sales. Was definitely worth doing.

Record My Expenses: FAIL
I made it through the first half of the month recording expenses, but just wasn’t committed. I need to follow through as this will give me a better idea of what my business is actually costing. Bare in mind as well, my income recorded is my net total. Paypal fees at 4% are around $800 alone, so I would say approximately $2,000 of my income I don’t see, then tax money and so forth, it does dwindle down quite a lot.

My Goals in June

After such a busy month, it’s going to be hard to top this month, but I know it’s possible. It’s just about believing it’s possible and then working hard to make it happen, filling in the pieces. This month I have a few clear goals that I hope to achieve, as well as continuing with those I set last month.

Outsource More
The email assistant I’ve hired to do my emails has done a really great job so far. She emails the clients, works with my other virtual assistant and it’s been pretty smooth sailing. I’d like to get her to work directly with my content writers to commission content as well, almost making me jobless. As we have just under 2 months to go until we leave indefinitely, I’d really like to get my work as automated as possible so I can focus on new projects and enjoy my travels as much as possible.

Finish Off Unfinished Projects
I have some projects I’ve had sitting on the backburner for months, including another travel blog focused around backpacking tips that I need to get off the ground! It’s a very solid domain name with a lot of potential and I just need to set aside some time for it.

May was the best month I’ve EVER HAD and it has completely blown me away that a few small changes have had such a marked impact on my income. I am really looking forward to June, although it might quieten down a little as it is coming into summer in the UK, but I still think it will be an exceptional month.

How was the month of May for you? If you earn online, what was your income like? Did you change anything up and notice great results? Share with me in the comments below! 

April Income Report

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The purpose of these monthly income reports is to keep myself accountable, to track my earnings and to inspire others. It is possible to make a good living online. In one of my busiest months last year, I made half of what I used to make in a year in only a month.

This income is made through advertising on my blogs and at this stage I have no intention of sharing any of my other blogs on this site. It is to protect them and to keep them private. If and when this blog starts to make any income I will list that separately so you can see how it’s doing.

Total for the month of March:

$13,585.62 New Zealand Dollars

Difference from previous month: + $2 473.28 NZD

Read my March Income Report Here

Wahoo! I did better this month, which I think is mostly due to having a bit more free time as my family emergency wound down mid-way through the month. I’m happy with that as that’s an extra $600 odd dollars a week which basically covers my expenses. I’m feeling really positive about this increase and so I’m setting myself a really ambitious goal: I want to earn $20,000 in the month of May.

Yes, $20,000 is a lot of money and it’s a big goal. It might not be achievable, but I think it’s a case of believing it’s possible, working towards it and seeing what happens. I really believe your thoughts create your destiny, so I’m thinking about earning that 20k.

Changes I’m planning to make in the month of May:

Be More Aggressive:
Spending more time following up emails and emailing clients that haven’t got back to me will result in more sales, which results in more money. I need to be more aggressive and more organised and I believe this will make a big difference to my monthly income.

Find More Clients:
I think if I spend a little time researching or ask my virtual assistant to do some research (read my post on hiring a virtual assistant here) then I can probably find a bunch of fresh contacts who might be quite interested in working with me. I think it’s a bit of a stab in the dark, but I’ve done this in the past with some success. Using the email addresses I already have for certain companies I can find their email format (e.g. and then research their staff at the company who do relevant SEO positions and “cold call” email them! It’s a bit sneaky, but it’s resulted in a few deals in April and definitely helped boost my income so I want to do some more.

Record My Expenses: 
Yes, I’m a terrible business person who’s poorly organised. This negatively impacts my business in so many ways. One way I’m going to combat it is by listing all my monthly expenses in a spreadsheet, such as my writer’s fees and hosting expenses. This will help me really focus on what part of my business is profit and what’s an expense. Bare in mind when I post my monthly income reports that it is prior to Paypal taking their nice juicey fee off all my transactions!

I have a really great feeling about the month of May and can’t wait to report back with my earnings. I hope you have a great month too!

What changes are you making for the month of May? Comment below, even if they aren’t business related.