Growing Online Income

Ways to invest your money closer to home

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We spend a lot of time talking about how to invest money to generate wealth; which accounts have the most interest, where your savings can get the most bang for their buck, where you can get the best mortgage deals. But there’s more to life than money, and more to money than just looking after it – the main thing we all do with money is spend it. 

So today, we wanted to take a look at how we can spend our money well – and today, for us that means how we can invest it in our own happiness and wellbeing. After all, what’s the point of having any money at all if we can’t use it to make the world better for ourselves and those we love?

So, we’ve come up with a few ideas for how you can invest your money in improving your and your loved ones’ lives.

  1. Invest in your physical fitness

This first suggestion is purely for your own wellbeing – it’s hard to function with all cylinders firing if you’re not feeling great physically. Whether you actually want to achieve some fitness goals, or are just after the mental health benefits, make sure to invest some money in physical activity – whether you buy running shoes, tennis rackets, or a skydiving experience, is up to you!

  1. Invest in some family time

Don’t we all wish we had a little more stress-free time with family? Well, a great commitment to make can be to put a little aside each month to spend on an activity with your family. This means that you get to spend some quality bonding time regularly, and the whole family will benefit from this investment.

  1. Invest in some home improvements

This one has a dual effect. Primarily, in this article, home improvements are a great way to invest your money because you can focus on making your home more effective and unique for your family and its needs. Does your partner love painting, and you’ve been wondering whether to convert one room into an art studio? Go for it. Are the coats and muddy sneakers always all over the hallway? Why not build a spacious porch? Secondly, it would be remiss of us not to point out that a nicely revamped or extended house can significantly increase its resale value – which is great news if you ever plan on moving away (as long as you do the maths first). Obviously, this is a much bigger spend than the other suggestion on this list – but if you do have the funds, it’s a great way t use them.

So there you have it – a step away from your usual worries about money, hopefully these suggestions have given you some ideas of what to do with it a little closer to home.