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Things to bear in mind before a road trip

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In recent years the summer holiday abroad has lost its appeal and many of us Brits are opting to stay in the country, indulging in all the United Kingdom has to offer. Going away often results in spending a week turning our noses up at the cuisine and designating hours hunting for the British pubs. Therefore, although it may be somewhat of an overused cliché, there’s no place like home.

If you’re going to drive the length and breadth of Britain on your aptly named staycation, you’re going to want to ensure the journey is as comfortable and as stress free as humanly possible. With that in mind, we are here to help you ensure you’ve considered all the essential checks before hitting the road this summer.


You wouldn’t set off on the road trip without ensuring you had yourself well fed, so why do it to the car? An engine check takes a few minutes but could save hundreds of pounds. Grab a bit of kitchen roll, pull out your engines dip stick, wipe away the oil and re-dip it to check your levels. If you’re running low, top it up. Most of us will ever only venture under the bonnet as soon as something goes wrong e.g. a Vesuvius-like cloud bellowing from the engine. Despite an exact timescale of how often you should check your oil not existing, experts suggest if you’re a regular driver you should check it at least once per month. Let your oil run too low or use the wrong one and you could be looking at serious damage to your car’s components.


We all know the dangers caused by driving on a flat but having your tyre explode at 70mph won’t be the only risk you’re running. Automotive testing has found that an underinflated tyre can increase your fuel consumption by around five percent. So not only will your fuel bill be much heftier that it should be, you’re also doing more damage to the environment.

Getting a blow out is a driver’s worst nightmare. Not only does it put you at a serious risk of crashing and causing detrimental harm to other road users, it’s a nightmare to get fixed and is likely to damage the rim. Handling levels are massively affected by tyres that are underinflated as well, with stopping distances increased and steering taking a similar knock. A car tyre inflator is easily stored in the boot, taking up limited space and will seem like a priceless purchase when you’re stood on the hard shoulder.

It may seem like a given but checking what comes as standard with your car is a must. Marketed as a space saver, most car manufactures in recent years have opted out of providing consumers with a full-size spare wheel, and in its place, you will find tyre sealant foam. Be comfortable that you know how to use it before heading off into the abyss, and if it’s a spare wheel, learn how to use a jack.

Keep it clean

If you’re going to be visiting some of the countries most idyllic locations, it’s fairly unlikely that you’re going to be spending the entirety of you’re trip on the motorway. Therefore, ensure you have your washer bottles topped up. Country roads that lead to some of the nicest camp sites are also used on a daily basis by tractors and other farm machinery, which are likely to spray muck over the roads. Following Google maps can be tricky enough, never mind having to do so with darkened out, dirt covered windows.

The creature comforts

Now you’ve considered the checks to ensure the car is running without any hitches, its time to think about yourself and guaranteeing the journey is as enjoyable as possible. Due to the fact the radio can become ridiculously repetitive, it may be worth considering setting yourself up with a lengthy playlist to help you on the road. If you fancy a few laughs along the way, a nice addition to Spotify as of late is the Best of British Comedy playlist, which includes a range of excerpts from stand up shows and BBC series Mock the Week.

As overpriced sandwiches tend to be the only thing on offer at most motorway services, planning a picnic and packing a few snacks may be worth the initial time spent, simply to keep the kids happy and limit the amount of times you hear the timeless phrase, ‘are we there yet?’ It’s important that you don’t overlook drinks either – remember to take plenty of cold and hot drinks such as water and organic coffee to keep you hydrated on your trip.

As the staycation has proved its popularity in the past number of years, and a lot more people are choosing the good honest British view as opposed to the Spanish sun, fill the tank and buckle up. Remember this quick guide and it’ll take some of the stress out of the journey as well.

Author Bio

Jonny Gilpin is a copywriter for digital marketing agency, Mediaworks. Originally from Northern Ireland, but now based in Newcastle, he specialises in current affairs, lifestyle, and sport.

Be Your Own Boss: 3 Careers You’re Better Off Freelancing

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Freelancing is now as commonplace as a typical 9-5 office job, with freelancers expected to make up 50.9% of the total US workforce by 2027. With the ability to work wherever and whenever they want, it’s no surprise so many people are packing up their desks in favor of this modern flexible working arrangement.

A beachside working day beginning at noon sounds like a dream, but freelancing isn’t a practical option for everyone. The demand is arguably not great enough to guarantee regular work in certain roles, which could cause huge financial inconvenience to an aspiring freelancer.

However, lots of jobs can be sustained in a freelance capacity, and often bring more financial reward and job satisfaction than traditional permanent roles. Here are three career paths where you’d be better off freelancing.

1.    Computer Systems Analyst

Those with an IT background could receive huge paychecks and enjoy regular work as a freelance computer systems analyst. These roles help companies best harness their existing technology while analyzing new software that could be incorporated into the current system. While many sectors are facing significant job cuts, the demand for this role is set to grow by 9% between 2016 and 2026 in the US, which is 2% faster than the average outlook.

This is also a position with clear longevity, as computer systems analysts will be required for as long as people use computers and write software. Many of these roles require an exceptional understanding of SAP (Systems, Applications, and Products) as it’s estimated that 77% of all global business transactions involve an SAP system. In fact, SAP contractors particularly benefit from freelancing arrangements, thanks to the high demand amongst businesses of all sizes. SAP software can be applied to any business, regardless of the industry, which means there will never be a struggle finding the next job.

In addition to an SAP contractor’s extremely high rate of pay—often up to twice that of a permanent employee—the global value brings plenty of opportunities to work in brand new locations. Dedicated recruitment agency Eursap, for example, offers contract assignments across 21 European countries, making this an ideal role for SAP freelancers who may want the chance to travel through their work. It’s helpful for contractors to be fluent in another language to increase their desirability to employers abroad, with English, German, and Mandarin Chinese language skills the most highly sought-after in the world.

2. Content Marketing Specialist

Content and outbound are two of the most popular forms of marketing and there are significant differences between the two. Outbound marketing promotes a product through continued advertising and promotions, while content marketing involves the creation and sharing of original material online, such as blogs and social media posts. This content does not explicitly promote a brand, but stimulates interest in its products or services. And while content marketing costs 62% less than outbound marketing, it generates three times as many leads. This is why businesses are always looking for the best in this field, and such demand paves the way for a rewarding freelance content marketing career.

As well as planning and writing, content marketing specialists must formulate a strategy based on research of the target audience and then deliver the content within a set deadline.

63% of business owners expect their marketing expenses to increase in 2019, and will likely turn to freelancers to meet this demand, since they can be more efficient while charging less than an in-house team. That said, content marketing is still one of the best-paid freelance roles, with the most experienced writers charging over $1 per word. Freelancers may also possess specific content marketing skills lacking in full-time employees, such as journalistic research or data analytics. This enables specialists in particular areas to stand out from the competition and work on projects most relevant to their skill set.

3. Graphic Designer

Freelance graphic designers have a bright future, with demand set to increase by 61% by 2020. The need for content like infographics and logo designs make talented graphic designers hot commodities, and freelancers in this field can go on to earn over $50,000 on average per year.

A freelance arrangement could be particularly attractive to graphic designers as they have total control over the jobs they accept and only need to work on the projects they feel most passionate about. Though this is true for freelancers in general, it is especially applicable to those in creative roles who need to maintain an impressive portfolio in order to attract more work. Picking specific jobs gives graphic designers the ability to hone a varied collection of high-quality work that demonstrates their versatility and talent.

Many companies will be missing the vital creativity needed for key graphic design jobs in-house, which is why freelancers are so essential to many businesses. However, it is important to remember that, while graphic designers are sought after, the field is extremely competitive. In order to make themselves noticed, freelancers must keep their websites and portfolios updated, and network effectively through attending industry events and maintaining professional relationships with clients.

4 Tips for Moving Overseas

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I’ve moved overseas a few times: the first time to the Czech Republic, the second time to Spain and now I live in Antigua, Guatemala. Moving overseas is a wonderful opportunity to meet new people, learn a new language and even save money. However, there are quite a few challenges when moving abroad, such as how are you going to get money into your new country and bank account, finding a new apartment or house to live in or rent, and establishing a new circle of friends. I decided to write this article on the top 5 tips for moving overseas to help you get ready for your move!

1. Send Money Overseas
If you’re planning to use your bank card in order to do ATM withdrawals until you have your finances sorted in your new country, you may find yourself surprised by how fast the fees will creep up on you. Overseas money transfers are a great way to cut down expenses and to ensure your money gets exactly where it needs to be. You may think that a $5 or $10 ATM transaction fee is quite reasonable, but when you have to pay big ticket items such as a bond for an apartment, those expenses can creep up really fast.

2. Consider Renting an Airbnb
It’s probably not financially viable to rent an Airbnb indefinitely, as the rates are more expensive than monthly rentals. However staying in an Airbnb for the first few weeks or months is an excellent way to check out an area before you commit to contracts and find yourself locked in. It’s a great way to try out a few different areas, see how the public transport is etc before committing.

3. Be Social
It’s easy to get distracted by the busyness of the move and then you may find yourself a few months into living in the new country realizing you don’t really have any new friends. Try to be social from the get-go. Accept all invitations, even if the person inviting you doesn’t seem like best friend material. This will allow you to get to know them and you will expand your social group in the meantime. There are websites like where you can find activities in numerous towns and cities around the world to meet up with people.

4. Don’t Abandon Your Friends At Home
You never know who will be tempted to visit you if you keep in touch. There’s the expression “out of mind, out of sight” but don’t do that with your friends. Each week I make a habit to get in contact with a friend from back home, whether it’s catching up for a Skype call or just sending a quick Facebook message.

How To Stick To Your Travel Budget

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Travelling the world can be expensive and when you are on a tight budget, it can be quite difficult to afford everything. While you might have budgeted for certain parts of your trip such as your meals or your hostel stays, you can’t always be prepared for the unexpected costs because they are exactly that – unexpected.

To help you with this, we have put together a guide on how you can stick to your travel budget and still have a great trip including everything from tracking your expenses to staying in hostels when you’re there. Keep reading if you’d like to find out more about sticking to your travel budget.

Set A Budget

The first step in sticking to your travel budget is to set one for yourself. This won’t be easy but a good place to start is on how much money you have in your bank account right now. Of course, you aren’t going to want to spend all of your money on one trip, but it is a good way of gauging the maximum amount of cash you have to spend on this trip. Once you know how much you have, work out how much the most expensive parts of your trip will set you back. Next, you’ll add in some extra cash for unexpected expenses and you’ll have your final budget. Write this figure down so that you know how much you have to stick to on your trip.

Track Your Expenses

Once you have set your travel budget, you’ll need a way of tracking how much you are spending, The good news is that there are some great apps that can help you to track your spending when you are abroad. This is perfect for those who struggle with remembering how much they have spent all day and it can give you a good idea of how much you have for the rest of your trip. Take a look at some of the popular apps and you should be able to find one that suits you for your trip.

Drive Yourself To the Airport

While you might have added the cost of your flights and your transfers once you get there into your budget – have you thought about the cost of getting to the airport for your departure? This can actually end up costing a lot of money especially if you live far away from the airport. A good way to stick to your budget and know exactly how much this is going to cost you is to book a space in the airport car park and drive yourself there on the day. Most airport car parking sites will give you a discount for booking online like and parking at Birmingham airport is very cost-effective.

Try this out and you will be able to add it into your travel budget before you set off and make sure that you are sticking to your plans.

Stay In Hostels

If you are planning on travelling around when you are on your big trip, you might want to think about staying in hostels. While hostels can be dirty and cramped at times, it can be the most effective way of sticking to your budget and making sure that you stay on track. Use websites like to find the best possible deals on hostels as you travel and make sure to read the reviews. This will help you to stay on track and stick to your budget as the cost of hotels can amount to a lot over time.

Cook Your Own Meals

Another great way to stick to your travel budget when you are away is to cook your own meals. You might be tempted to go out for meals with people that you meet or to try out the local cuisine, but this is going to eat into your budget and cause you problems. To fight this, think about staying somewhere that allows you to cook your own meals. You could even make yourself some packed lunches to bring on any trips that you go on. This will save you a lot of money in the long-run and help you to stick to that tight budget that you set yourself at the start of your trip.

Shop Around

If you want to stick to your travel budget, then you need to be willing to shop around. Never just buy the first thing that you find in a shop as it might be overpriced and cost more than you can afford. Shop around as much as you can when you are travelling and make sure to haggle if you can. Some countries are more open to haggling on prices so do some research on this before you go. This way, you can get the right price for the item and make sure that you are sticking to your tight travel budget.

Travel With Others On A Budget

One of the biggest problems for travellers on a tight budget is the fact that the people they are travelling with don’t have such a budget. When your friends want to go to the best restaurants or do lots of activities, it can be a little overwhelming and cost you a lot of cash that you haven’t budgeted for. This is why you should always try to travel with people who are on a similar budget to you. This will give you more opportunities to find cheaper alternatives and still have a great time together.

If you are travelling with other people, make sure to tell them about your strict budget before you set off.

Travel Insurance

Our final tip for travellers on a budget is to make sure that you have travel insurance before you set off. Although this can be expensive and something that you might not use – it is better to be safe than sorry. The cost of medical treatment abroad can be extremely expensive, and it will definitely eat into your budget if you have to visit the hospital unexpectedly. You should be able to find a comprehensive travel insurance policy online and it shouldn’t cost you too much. Make sure to do this before you set off on your trip if you want to be covered for anything that might happen when you are there.

Final Verdict

It is clear that it is extremely possible to go on a travel adventure on a tight budget. As long as you are willing to set your budget and plan for all of the costs that you will have, you should be able to have a great time. Think about how you will track your spending when you are on your trip and make sure that you are not going over your budget.

Follow all of the advice that we have given you in this article and you should be able to travel on a tight budget. Travel is meant to be fun so make sure to focus on this and don’t let yourself get too bogged down on your spending. Have a great trip abroad, save yourself some cash and you’ll be able to travel again in the near future!

4 Great Escapes for Self-Employed Workers

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There comes a time in every self-employed workers day where they throw their hands in the air and desperately need to get away from the laptop screen for a while. The beauty of being a freelancer is that, if you do get up and wander out the door, you won’t be fired as a result. It’s a perk that needs to be taken advantage of.

But where do you go when you reach the point where you need a break? Here are four great escapes for freelancers that will do a mixture of things, from inspiring you to engaging the brain.

Get Some Culture

Museums. Art galleries. Cinemas. These are all open during working hours and less likely to be busy during the working week, which means you can spend time away from work in an environment that will interest, intrigue and inspire you, whether it’s looking at modern art masterpieces or watching the latest Marvel superhero film. There aren’t many better ways to spend time away from work than learning about the history of a subject, so consider visiting your local museums when you need a break from work.

Find Your Local Hiking Trails

Whether you live in a big city, small town or in the countryside, a great hiking trail is never far away, and is a superb way to get the creative juices flowing again by stretching those legs and freeing the mind of all of its burdens. Whether it’s a stroll around Central Park in New York or strolling up the hills of the Welsh valleys, every destination on earth has amazing places to explore by foot. You just have to source them out, and wear the correct footwear so you don’t get blisters.

Solve Some Mysteries

In the last few years, interactive games such as the Escape Room Arlington and many other cities have launched have become hugely popular with people who want to solve a mystery with family members and/or friends, and have a great time while doing it. These kinds of games are a superb escape from the daily grind for self-employed workers, as they engage the brain while giving you a chance to hang out with friends or loved ones in a fun, challenging environment. Each task is 60 minutes long, and plenty of those minutes will be spent laughing and yelling at each other.

Get Away From It All

A common mistake made by freelancers is that they stop going on vacation because they fear that they’ll be left behind by clients. It’s understandable, but avoidable; you just need to know ways to go about it. One way is to inform your clients in the lead up to you going away, so that they understand that you won’t be available. However, if you still want to work, you can take your laptop with you and take a trip to somewhere local, so that you are still on the same time zone as your clients but when you’re not busy, you can go and explore the area and enjoy yourself. It’s so important that self-employed workers don’t work themselves into the ground and not explore the world (even if it’s not on the other side of it), so consider a vacation as a great must-have escape, at least once a year.

Top ways to make your next trip easier

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Travel is a lot of things: Rewarding, challenging, fun, but rarely easy (unless you’re a five-star traveller all the time). Even then, the most well-planned trips can fall apart. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to make travel smoother. Here are some top ways to make your next trip easier:

Choose the right travel buddy

Got a loved one who’s a nightmare to travel with? Do yourself a favor and don’t feel like you have to travel with them. It will be better for your relationship in the long run. If your hubby hates the idea of shopping and you’d like to do nothing more than shop up a storm, there’s nothing wrong with telling him to go on a boys trip while you choose the best possible travel partner.

Plan ahead

There’s no need to plan every moment of your trip, but you’ll feel a lot more relaxed if you know exactly what time the trains run from the capital city on the day you arrive or what type of adapter you need in order to charge your phone. These may seem like little things, but they can add up to be chaos if you’re constantly running into stressful problems on the road.

Go your own way

You should definitely consider a group tour if you’re short on time as this can help you see as much as possible with an experienced guide. However, hiring a car can also be a great option. That’s because this gives you plenty of flexibility to do and see the things you want to do and see- without needing to fit around anyone else’s schedule. When you rent a car, you can see whole regions that you may otherwise miss out on if you’re just taking a plane or train between major cities and towns.

Take travel insurance

One of the best ways to make sure your next trip is as easy as possible? Purchase a cheap travel insurance like Webjet policy. This will mean you’ll have a backup in the event that something unexpected happens while you’re far from home. This could be something as small as food poisoning or a missed flight or as big as emergency surgery or a serious accident. When you know you’re covered, you simply have less to worry about- and that makes travel easier all around.


Fun things to do this summer

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While spring may be nowhere to be seen, summer is in fact just around the corner. If you don’t yet have any summer plans, this post is for you. Here are some fun things to do this summer:

Get Social

Winter means long nights of watching Netflix and scrolling through social media. But once the sun is out, it’s time to get back to socializing. Invite friends over for a barbecue or boozy brunch outdoors. Hit the beach with a group, or get tickets to a fun festival. Head to an amusement park, take a road trip, or simply commit to saying “yes” to every invitation.

Get out of your comfort zone

We all have a few things we’d like to do but we’ve been putting off. Do something that lights you up or gets you out of your comfort zone this summer. Maybe you’ve always wanted to test drive a Mercedes Benz, you’d love to go skydiving, or you want to go whitewater rafting. Whatever it is, commit to getting out of your comfort zone this summer- you won’t regret it.


Sumer was made for travel. Whether you want to take a road trip, a weekend away, or a two-week vacay, now’s the time to start booking. While prices can get high in the middle of summer, booking a trip for the end of the summer will mean fewer tourists, lower prices, and something to look forward to- even when the cooler weather is around the corner.

Get active

Most of us aren’t as active as we could be in the colder months. As soon as the sun is shining though, you have no excuses. Go for a walk or run, get friends together to try a new class at the gym, sign up for a 5km, go rollerskating, try stand-up paddleboarding, or anything else that gets you outside and active.

Start a new project

Planning a business venture? Want to learn how to paint? Need some free time to finally redo the wallpaper in the dining room? Summer weather is perfect for new projects. WIth sunshine comes optimism, along with motivation and great weather to get things done. Ask your friends if they have a similar project they’d like to get started so you can work together and socialize at the same time.

What fun things will you be doing this summer? Leave a comment below and let me know.

Professional Wanderlust? Secure That Job Overseas

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If you are finding yourself becoming afflicted by the undeniable sensation of itchy feet, it’s time to make a change. In an ideal world, you’d take a sabbatical, travel the globe and then return to your professional role refreshed and reinvigorated having scratched that itch. However, the chances are that your employer won’t allow you to venture off to some far-flung destination on a whim and you need to plan your escape overseas a little more carefully. Using your career can be the ideal way of broadening your horizons. Take a look at how you can quench your wanderlust thirst and secure that dream job overseas.

Prepare For A New Culture

If you are planning to venture off to the glorious city of Buenos Aires, you need to make sure that you have conversational Spanish under your belt. There’s no point deciding to move to Argentina because you loved the vacation you spent there as a child and you think the climate will suit you, if you don’t make any efforts to learn the language. To immerse yourself in a culture, you need to understand the people. More importantly, most jobs will require at least a basic understanding of the native language and a willingness to learn.

Food, customs and living arrangements will be different wherever you travel to. Some destinations like the UAE or Dubai will make an effort to house expats together, so the culture shock isn’t too extreme.  Be sensible and do your research before you sign any contract.


The idea of working overseas may have been part of your professional mindset for years, or it may be a more recent phenomenon. Either way, you can undertake qualification to enhance your employability. A course like the MSc International Accounting and Finance using distance learning means that you’re able to study while still in your current role. By adding an international element to your practice, you’re enhancing your resume for potential overseas employers. Competition for roles abroad can be fierce, and it’s vital that you are proactive to give yourself the edge over your rivals.

Take A Leap Of Faith

You may have no choice but to do all the prep you can, hand in your notice and book yourself on a flight to the country you want to live for the next couple of years. If you’re keen to work in Japan, you’ll need to be physically living in the country before you can even think about finding a job in Kyoto or Tokyo. Japanese legalities make the sponsorship of potential foreign employees nigh on impossible. However, the opportunities are there. You simply need to take a leap of faith, learn the Japanese language and commit to finding a role out there.

Many people talk about broadening their horizons and working overseas; fewer people actually do it. By following this advice, you could find your career trajectory taking a whole new and exciting international path.

Planning a trip to Europe? Don’t miss these cities

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Most people dream of a trip to Europe, but if you’re planning a trip you may begin to get a little overwhelmed. After all, it’s a massive continent with so much to see and do. Personally, I like to go to places that are a little less visited than the average European city, so you may want to book a Europe tour that mixes some classic and off-the-beaten-path destinations.

Here are some of my favourite cities to visit in Europe:


One thing I’ve noticed about Prague? I’ve never heard anyone say anything bad about it. Of course, that doesn’t mean the city is perfect, but anytime I mention I’ve been to Prague or someone tells me they’ve visited I only hear about how great the city is. And I wholeheartedly agree. Prague is beautiful, with incredible architecture, great food, and tons of fun things to do. I visited just in time for the Christmas market, and it remains one of my all-time favourite experiences in Europe.


Just six hours from Prague, Budapest is another city that continues to grow in popularity each year. The city has recently seen a deluge of tourists, especially groups of Brits coming for Stag nights. The beer is cheap, and the nightlife is incredible, with the ruin bars open until the early hours of the morning every night of the week.

Don’t miss the House of Terror. This will give you a great insight into just what Hungarians have been through and help you understand a little about why Eastern Europeans have a reputation for being cold. I also love the hop-on-hop-off bus tour as it’s a great way to see the city. You’ll get to see historical Buda in the east and chilled, vibrant Pest in the west.


I loved every part of Poland, and Krakow is also a must-visit. But for me, I was most surprised by how modern Warsaw was. The city was turned to rubble in WWII and it’s incredible how the Polish people have rebuilt and are stronger than ever. The food was excellent, the public transport is great, and if you’re planning a trip to Europe, the entire country is a must-visit.


I could seriously see myself living in Edinburgh one day. The Scotts are some of the friendliest people I’ve ever met, and I go crazy for the delicious scones in this city. Edinburgh is seriously beautiful, the nightlife is crazy, and it’s where J K Rowling wrote Harry Potter (don’t miss the free Harry Potter walking tour- especially if you have kids).

If you want to see a bunch of different cities in a short amount of time, it’s a good idea to book a tour. That way, all the hard work is done for you and you can simply relax and enjoy each city.


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Looking for an Opportunity to Invest? Try the Tourism Hotspot of Antigua and Barbuda

4.3K 0

The sister islands of Antigua and Barbuda, with some 365 pink and white sand beaches and pristine turquoise waters, are considered to be among the most beautiful places in the world. With candy-coloured villages and a rum-infused mellowness, theres something quintessentially Caribbean about these palm-flanked isles. Theres a distinct English accent too, from the bustling capital of St Johns to the salty English Harbour, historic forts and ramparts are the vestiges of a colonial past.


Having long tugged at the hearts of would-be explorers and buccaneers, the expansion of Antigua and Barbudas tourism industry brings ever more visitors each year. The lush tropical nation welcomed over 200,000 guests in 2016, and is forecast to draw over 380,000 international visitors per year by 2026. Its no wonder tourism is the key driver of GDP, generating around 60% of the islands income, and you can have a part of it.


Antigua and Barbuda welcomes investors


Antigua and Barbuda, like many other Caribbean nations, welcomes investors from around the world. The most notable investment opportunity in Antigua and Barbuda is its Citizenship by Investment Programmea legal process whereby individuals can obtain citizenship through investment in a variety of approved real estate projects, encompassing hotels, villas, and resorts.


Because of the growth of the tourism industry, there is rising demand for tourist housing facilities, and real estate developments make fantastic opportunities for investors seeking high returns. Approved projects in which private investors are welcome to purchase property include Tranquility Bay, Verandah Estates, and the Antigua Yacht Club Marina Resort.


Investors vying for citizenship are also able to make a donation to Antigua and Barbudas National Development Fund (NDF), intended to support a more sustainable future for the islands tourism and business sectors.


This two-pronged investment option was put into law in 2013, and emulates the longstanding citizenship by investment programmes of countries such as St Kitts and Nevis and Dominica. It is these countries success with their programmes resulting in large inflows of investment and economic growth that has raised expectations for development also on Antigua and Barbuda.


There are big names leading the way


Actor Robert De Niro is actively involved in the Caribbean tourism industry, and last year invested US$250 million in a project on the island of Barbuda. The property development deal gives the green light to the renovation and expansion of the former K-Club on Barbuda into an exclusive 5-Star resort. The project, which comprises a 77-room hotel and spa, 50 villas and cottages, restaurants, a casino and a luxury marina is expected to attract additional investors to the country.


Aside from big celebrity names, a number of private enterprises are promoting growth on the islands too. Late last year, a US$40 million Marriott project broke ground on its Coconut Bay Resort project, due for completion in 2018. During its construction, the resort will provide 180 jobs, and 240 once the property is open; representing a significant source of employment for the people of Antigua and Barbuda.


Antigua and Barbudas Minister of Tourism, Economic Development, Investment, and Energy, the Hon. Asot Michael, said of the project: We are confident that having the Marriott name and respect of brand as part of our portfolio will lead to increased airlift, in particular from the US market.” Overall, the Government of Antigua and Barbuda has set the goal of increasing room capacity to 10,000 within the next seven years.


Investment in Antigua and Barbuda promises significant returns


Thanks to this investment in the tourism and hospitality industries, Antigua and Barbuda is prepared for an increase in tourism. Intended to lure new travelers, V.C. Bird International Airport was completed in 2015, welcoming regular flights from the likes of Jet Blue and Alitalia. September 2017 has been set as the latest start date for the construction of a new 6,100-foot runway on Barbuda, which is expected to bring an additional 30,000 visitors to the islands in the first year of operation.


There seems little doubt that Antigua and Barbuda will open up a new world to individuals who seek luxury, beauty, unexpected opportunities, and unique experiences in a truly exceptional destination.