While spring may be nowhere to be seen, summer is in fact just around the corner. If you don’t yet have any summer plans, this post is for you. Here are some fun things to do this summer:
Get Social
Winter means long nights of watching Netflix and scrolling through social media. But once the sun is out, it’s time to get back to socializing. Invite friends over for a barbecue or boozy brunch outdoors. Hit the beach with a group, or get tickets to a fun festival. Head to an amusement park, take a road trip, or simply commit to saying “yes” to every invitation.
Get out of your comfort zone
We all have a few things we’d like to do but we’ve been putting off. Do something that lights you up or gets you out of your comfort zone this summer. Maybe you’ve always wanted to test drive a Mercedes Benz, you’d love to go skydiving, or you want to go whitewater rafting. Whatever it is, commit to getting out of your comfort zone this summer- you won’t regret it.
Sumer was made for travel. Whether you want to take a road trip, a weekend away, or a two-week vacay, now’s the time to start booking. While prices can get high in the middle of summer, booking a trip for the end of the summer will mean fewer tourists, lower prices, and something to look forward to- even when the cooler weather is around the corner.
Get active
Most of us aren’t as active as we could be in the colder months. As soon as the sun is shining though, you have no excuses. Go for a walk or run, get friends together to try a new class at the gym, sign up for a 5km, go rollerskating, try stand-up paddleboarding, or anything else that gets you outside and active.
Start a new project
Planning a business venture? Want to learn how to paint? Need some free time to finally redo the wallpaper in the dining room? Summer weather is perfect for new projects. WIth sunshine comes optimism, along with motivation and great weather to get things done. Ask your friends if they have a similar project they’d like to get started so you can work together and socialize at the same time.
What fun things will you be doing this summer? Leave a comment below and let me know.