Growing Online Income

Tips for Cutting Down on Travel Costs

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Travel is one of life’s greatest luxuries and adventures. Seeing new places, meeting new people and visiting places you’ve seen in movies. It’s exciting! While travel can be expensive, there are tons of ways you can cut down costs to ensure that you can visit more places and travel a little longer than you thought.

Here are some of my favourite tips for cutting down on travel costs:

1. Use Airbnb
Hotels can often be pretty pricey, but I’ve been using Airbnb for the past few years to save on accommodation. The benefits are two fold, because not only is it cheaper than a hotel, but you usually have a decent kitchen so you can cook, further saving money on your trip. It’s a great way to feel like you’re at home, away from home.

2. Find Mistake Fares
There’s heaps of sites and Facebook pages dedicated to the art of finding mistake fares. Often airlines accidentally release fares that are way cheaper than usual. I’ve managed to find flights from Guatemala to Paris return for only $450 which is super cheap. Just book your accommodation and other things a little later, in case the airline cancels the deal.

3. Save Money with Advanced Train Fares
Booking a train fare in advance is great for a number of reasons – you’ll get a wider range of times to choose from, as well as more seat selection. Booking weeks in advance can save you 50% or more of the total fare, so it’s definitely worth looking into. Below is a handy infographic from Voucher Cloud that helps explain how you can save serious money with advanced train fares.