Growing Online Income

July Income Report

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Hey guys, I’m posting live from Bali! Instead of being outside enjoying the surf, ocean and beautiful views I am in my hotel room with the aircon blasting. Today is Monday and I’ve set aside the day to power through work so I can spend the rest of the week enjoying my holiday. Sounds like a fair trade off to me.

For those of you who are new here, I post my monthly income reports to keep myself accountable and to motivate myself to push forward faster.

July was a weird month: the first half was pretty dead and I was already feeling a bit apprehensive after the drop from May’s income in June. In the end, things worked out pretty well, especially as the last week of July was spent cleaning, packing and flying to paradise.

The income published is made through advertising on my network of blogs. I keep the blogs, except from Wealth Way Online private – this is to protect them, my business and my income.

July Income Report:

$17488.29 New Zealand Dollar or $14,887.26 USD

That’s $1598.40 MORE than last month.

With everything that was going on in July, including moving out of my apartment, packing up my bags, flying to Bali AND the fact it was the summer holidays in the UK, I’m extremely happy.

This month I made a total of $1516.00 from Wealth Way Online

That’s $311 more than last month, which is a pretty good jump

Overall Thoughts and Feelings

I really thought I was going to come in a few thousand less than I did this month, so I’m extremely happy. I was so busy the last week and so many people were away during the month of July, that I am very pleased with how it was. I am still a little bummed I haven’t managed to break through the $20,000 mark again, but I have a really good feeling about August.

August Goals

I’ve already written about my goals for the month of August in this post here. Feel free to check them out and let me know if you have any specific work orientated goals for this month – I’d love to hear them.

How Work and Travel is Going

Yesterday I decided today, Monday, was going to be a full work day. I am feeling quite behind as I have been really busy the past week, so wanted to set aside a clear block of time to get things done. I went to Starbucks, hoping to use their Wifi and it was slow. I googled “Best places for Wifi in Kuta” only to find that another coffee shop apparently had the best Wifi. I headed there and it was patchy and slow… so now I have just come back to my hotel to work. I prefer working in a cafe if possible, but at the end of the day I just need some speedy net to get things done.

I haven’t been working enough – it’s been a little too much holiday so far, but I am determined to get to a good balance this week – I’ll keep you updated.

So tell me, how was your month of July? Did you earn much in online income or do you earn any money in overtime? Let me know in the comments below!