Growing Online Income

Alternative ways to make money

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These days it can be hard to get by with a salary alone, cost of living has risen whilst wages stay the same.  More and more people are looking into alternative ways to make money, either to become financially free or even just supplement their current income. If you want a top up then I’ve rounded together some great alternative ways to make money.

1. Forex Trading

Forex Trading is a great way to make money through the financial market, with not too much effort. Don’t worry you don’t need a finance or banking degree to get involved as there are some great online companies like Knowledge to Action who can teach you the tricks of the trade, without having to give up your day job. You wont be left alone either as they provide great support when you are learning the ropes. Once you have the skills in place you have the ability to generate a second income for the rest of your life. If you want to learn more about Forex Trading, then watch the video below:

2. Freelancing

If you have a particular skill or trade that you can use you could begin to do some freelancing or contract work outside of office hours or even full time. There are lots of online websites where you can create a profile of what you can offer and then people hire you for their jobs. Think of anything from web design, coding, graphic design, writing, data entry, marketing, social media and project management. Take a look at your current skills and see what you can offer.

3. Sell online

There are many ways to sell online with many different products. Use already established online stores like ebay or amazon that way you don’t need to invest in building your own. You could start importing products directly from China from anything in clothing, exercise equipment to electronics or kitchen appliances. If you have a personal creative hobby like craft, jewelry making, photography or art you can sell your products on online stores like etsy.

4. Create a blog

If you have a particular passion for something and have something to say about it you can always create a blog. You don’t need to spend any money to do so as you can set one up for free. The key to a successful blog is creating a large audience and then selling advertising on the site. There are many different blogs out there, from travel to finance and food to health and fitness, so find something you want to talk about.


Do you have any other tips on how you earn your extra money? Let me know in the comments below.