Growing Online Income

March Income Report + Announcement

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The purpose of these monthly income reports is to keep myself accountable, to track my earnings and to inspire others. It is possible to make a good living online. In one of my busiest months last year, I made half of what I used to make in a year in only a month.

This income is made through advertising on my blogs and at this stage I have no intention of sharing any of my other blogs on this site. It is to protect them and to keep them private. If and when this blog starts to make any income I will list that separately so you can see how it’s doing.

Total for the month of March:

$11112.34 New Zealand Dollars 

That’s quite a lot lower than usual, but I’ve been really busy dealing with some family issues so I’m not too really surprised.

Ways I intend to increase my income in the coming months:

Outsource my emails
One of my biggest weaknesses is that I am quite bad at keeping up with emails. Either I send them out and I don’t follow up, or my inboxes  get cluttered and I lose track of what I’m doing. The majority of my clients are based in the UK and with the time differences it can take a few days of emailing backwards and forwards to get a deal. I feel like it’s quite inefficient, so I’m hiring someone else to help me with this.

The key with anything is to diversify, so I’m taking that approach to my online income. This blog, Wealth Way Online, is a big project that I’m going to invest a lot of time into and I hope that it will lead onto a more diversified income.

Being More Organised/Creating a Schedule
Working for myself is great… except that I’m not really accountable to anyone else. That might be a big bonus in some regards, but it can make things a bit challenging especially if you’re getting a bit too relaxed. This blog will help me be accountable, but I also want to hold myself to a schedule. While sleeping in until mid day is fun, it’s quite a big waste of time.

The family issues are set to continue for the month of April so I’m not expecting anything outrageous for this month, either. However I’m going to start looking for a General Virtual Assistant (GVA) to help me with email management. I’d be quite happy if I could outsource all of my work and make myself “jobless”.

My announcement is: 

I’m moving to Spain! For a few months of the year, anyway. My partner and I are heading to Alicante or Valencia for 1-2 months before traveling Europe for a month. Then we’ll probably move to Lisbon for 2-3 months. I’m so excited. I’m looking forward to leveraging the currency differences.

Do you have any tips for dealing with your emails and motivating yourself? Let me know in the comments below