Growing Online Income

5 Things To Change If You Want To Sell Your House In A Month

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It’s completely feasible to be able to sell your house in a short period of time. People are desperate to buy, and are adamant they get on the property ladder. This can mean that various standards of home go on the market, so if you are looking to sell your home quickly, it can be difficult if you aren’t proving yourself against the competition. So here are the five things to change if you want to sell up quick.

The Garden

This is one of the most desired aspects of a property now, so you could argue that your garden needs to be in as good condition as possible, or you can argue that you don’t need to do anything to it. But if you’re looking to get it sold quick, you may as well make the garden presentable. You don’t need to go to town and hire a landscaping company to do this, but you could buy a few plant pots, and mow the lawn.

The Appearance

The curb appeal is always going to entice people in, so you can benefit from going over the exterior of your property and seeing if it needs a little bit of mild renovation. Think about the driveway also, in comparison to giving the exterior of your home that all important sheen that screams “look at me!” Curb appeal is something you shouldn’t underestimate, because this could be the reason that someone makes their mind up on a property before they’ve even set foot through the front door.

The Hazards

Take a good look at your house, are there issues you need to fix instantly? For example, is your home prone to water damage? If this is a regular occurrence, you could benefit from to hire a restoration company fix the problem and to look at the causes of this damage. It’s worth looking on the Restorationeze website just to get an idea of the typical causes of flooding and water loss in the home. And especially if your home is in an area prone to natural disaster, this is going to put you in a high risk category, making it far more difficult to sell up quickly.

The Personality

Have you spent a lot of time on this home making it just right? If that is the case, and you have people coming to view your home, they are unable to picture themselves in your property. You need to remove any remnants of your personality. If you’ve got lavish colors, you need to repaint these walls. You should make it as much of a blank canvas as you can.

The Estate Agent

It could be as simple as this. Not all estate agents are the same, and you need to find the best one in your area, who knows the market where you live, but also knows how to sell your house in relation to the neighborhood. Picking the wrong estate agent could set you back a long time, either because they don’t know how to sell your property, or they may just sell you short. Either way, it’s important to undertake adequate research to make sure you’ve picked the right agency for the job.