Growing Online Income

Changing Lives As A Social Worker

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Social work is seen as something which only those who dropout of college will go into, but this is not the case at all. Social working has a bad rep, but it is actually an incredibly important job within our society and one which can change peoples lives for the better.

The main role of a social worker is to provide services for the local council. This could be the role of assessing parent and child relationships, working with the elderly and even aiding the disabled. It is a role which is a crucial part of our lifestyles and is an incredibly rewarding career option. But how can you get into the world of social work?


Like any other job which involves working with people, you will need to take a course or a degree in order to be able to work. You could go for the traditional degree at university or college, study an online msw course, or even look into doing work experience training.

Skills You Will Need

To be able to work in a role where you look after people and communicate through tough issues, you will need the following skills:
Active listening – you must be able to listen to what people are telling to and retain this information for a later date. You will also need to be able to read people’s body language to tell whether or not they are being straight with you. Boundary setting – working with people will require you to get close to the people you work for and get to know them. You need to be able to stay emotionally unattached for the sake of your job otherwise you will not last

Critical thinking – you need to be able to think creatively and be able to think under pressure to solve problems

Communication – the key to a good social worker is communication. You must be good at talking, listening and writing down what you have found

Work experience

As for any job, you need to prove that you have experience in the field before you are accepted for a course. This is true of medical careers, law, teaching and in this case, social working. There are some amazing charities you can work with in your local area which will give you the ability to show that you can communicate, care for people and deal with problems.


One of the popular ways which people go into the social working world is to complete an apprenticeship and learn the ropes while working with a company. There are plenty of different options for apprentices all over the country meaning that you will always be able to find a suitable opportunity for the area you want to work in.

Finding A Job

When it comes to looking for a job you will want to take a look online, contact your local job centre and also see if anyone you know can point you in the right direction. There will likely always be openings for social work in your local area even if it isn’t the exact area you want to be in right now. Stick with it and you will be able to build a career doing something you love and changing lives.