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Renovating? Here’s why you need to hire a general contractor

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If you’re renovating, you may be concerned about your budget. Renovating can be one of the most stressful experiences around, and budget blowouts are common. For this reason, it can be tempting to try to do it all yourself. However, hiring a general contractor can have you thanking yourself later.

Here are some reasons why you may want to use a general contractor if you’re planning renovations:

They know what you need

General contractors are your source for anything you might need when it comes to home renovations. You simply let them know what you’re looking for, and they’ll do all of the coordinating, arranging, and scheduling so that your project is finished on time. That means you don’t need to coordinate with multiple people at once, and can simply filter all information through one general contractor who will deal with subcontractors.

They’re insured

If you’re doing your renovation yourself and something goes wrong, you’re entirely responsible for all damages. However, general contractors have their own insurance. This means that if any problems arise, their liability insurance has you covered. This is particularly important if you have multiple projects and/or subcontractors.

They get it done quickly

While you may have grand plans to get your renovations completed by winter, these things tend to take longer than you might think- particularly if you’re spending time teaching yourself and researching what you need, finding the right tools, and engaging in trial and error. General contractors have done plenty of similar renovations, so they know exactly how to get everything done in a timely manner- making everything run much more efficiently.

They’re qualified and licensed

Every state has a different requirement, which is why it’s so important that the people who are working on your home are licensed and qualified. Licensed general contractors will be experienced with inspections and processing permits, and they’ll know exactly what you need to do to meet all code requirements. You may also find that you’ll get better options for loans from your bank for the renovation or construction if you’re working with a licensed general contractor.

Most importantly, an insured, licensed general contractor can offer you a warranty, which will give you peace of mind throughout the renovation process.

Are you renovating? Are you planning to hire a general contractor? Leave a comment below and let me know.