Growing Online Income

Tips for Saving Money on Healthcare

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No matter where you live in the world, healthcare is one of the most important things you need to have for yourself and your family. I’ve heard horror stories of people without coverage putting themselves and their family into financial ruin. There’s a certain kind of peace that comes from knowing no matter what happens, you’re covered. Healthcare is generally a large monthly or annual expense for families who do not live in a country with universal healthcare, as such a few small changes to your healthcare choices can result in huge savings. Here are my tips for saving money on healthcare.


1) Shop Around

You may have had the same coverage for a great number of years, either because you found that program through your previous employer or because at the time they were the best option. If there are healthcare brokers operating in your area, why not consider contacting one in your area to see if there’s a more competitive provider or plan that you can choose. Changing provides could save you considerable sums of money each month which could add up to a lot over the course of a year or a decade.

2) Consider a EHIC Card

The EHIC Card is a card that allows access to medical care within within 31 countries within Europe and the UK. You have to have either British, EU, EEA or Swiss nationality as well being a UK resident to be eligible for this health card. You can apply for yourself and your children using their easy online website. Throughout the process you’ll receive updates regarding your status, as well as access to their 24/7 call centre incase you have any specific questions. This is a great way to save money on healthcare costs while traveling throughout Europe and through using this service you save a lot of time as the process is handled for you. Once you have your card it’s easy to apply for EHIC Card Renewal online, ensuring that you always have a EHIC card whenever you need one.

3) Don’t Skimp Out on Travel Insurance

Once you’ve got your coverage sorted for where you live, always ensure to purchase coverage when overseas. Too many travellers find themselves in hospital in the middle of their holiday, with bills so large they or family members may have to sell their homes in order to keep up with expenses. You may be surprised by how affordable travel insurance can be, especially if you’re traveling as a couple or a family.

These three simple tips can help you save money on healthcare no matter whether you’re home or abroad. Our health is our greatest asset so don’t forget to protect it by ensuring you’re properly covered.