Growing Online Income

Everyday saving tips

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Are you saving to buy a house, or perhaps go on that dream holiday? Either way we could all do with saving a bit more money. Besides the obvious of putting money away each pay cheque here are some top tips for everyday savings to can help you watch that savings account grow.

Look at your bank accounts

It’s not often we check our bank accounts and work out just how much we are exactly being charged in fees. If you review your accounts and switch to smarter current accounts you’ll be surprised at how much you can save in fees and cash backs each year. Also look at some high rate interest savings accounts or longterm deposits to get extra money on your savings. This will all add up and ultimately add more money to your bank balance.

Shop food generic brands

I know it’s not as trendy as the labeled brands but generic food brands can be just as good if not better quality then some of the well-known brands on supermarket shelves. It doesn’t seem like too much price difference in the super market, however if you add these savings up across all your groceries and over the year you’ll realise how much money you can save.

Bring your lunch to work

Don’t buy your lunch every day. If you aren’t one to have time to prepare it in the morning, then make extra at night and take some in for leftovers the next day. If you are buying lunch every day and say spend on average $12 a day for lunch and a coffee, that’s a whopping $3,120 per year. Think of the awesome holiday you could go on with that extra cash sitting in your bank account.

Shop online

You can pretty much buy everything online these days from technology to your organic food supplies. Shopping online can make it very easy to compare prices and see where the discounts and savings are. Just be careful not to fall into the rabbit hole of buying things you don’t necessarily need just because it’s discounted.

Find a cheaper way to work

Rather then driving into work each day and spending a fortune on car, petrol and parking costs see if you can find a cheaper way to get to work that reduces your costs or cuts them out completely. If you live close enough consider walking or even bicycling, that way you can get your exercise in too. If you live near work colleagues consider organizing a car pool. Or perhaps simply just look into your public transport options.