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Steps That Senior Citizens Can Take for a Better Retirement

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Global instability and the potential threat of an SHTF scenario mean that preparing for any eventuality should be everyone’s concern. That’s true whether you’re 35 or 65. However, the older you are, the easier it is to feel overwhelmed by all the preparations you may want to make. Is it even worth trying? The reality is you’re never too old to start prepping. If you aren’t sure where to begin, though, don’t worry you can break your planning into stages. Ultimately, your goal is to provide for yourself (and loved ones) in the most important areas: security, shelter, water, and food. With that in mind, where should you begin?

Understand the costs and create a budget

Prepping can be expensive, though there are frugal ways to meet your needs. Even so, for a senior on a fixed income, it can be tough to gather everything you need. Look at your finances and budget accordingly. Plan to acquire necessary components, like power generators, batteries, and more, in stages. You can help lessen the immediate financial impact.

You can investigate other ways to finance prepping, too, depending on your circumstances. If you own your home and plan to shelter in place rather than bug out, you have several choices. For example, you might want to look into a reverse mortgage to keep your nest egg intact while prepping. Since such a loan doesn’t come due unless you die, leave, or fail to pay taxes and insurance, it’s one possible pathway for the senior prepper.

Gather useful equipment and tools

Once you have a handle on your budget, it’s time to start thinking about the most important items you’ll need. Think about other necessities. Generators, as mentioned, can keep you warm and comfortable even if the grid goes down. Candles and lanterns (both battery-powered and oil) will provide reliable light sources.

A legally acquired firearm, for safety (or perhaps even subsistence hunting), is also a smart purchase. Don’t forget the ammunition to go along with it and the proper training, too. These are just a few baseline ideas; there are many ways to approach this aspect of prepping.

Develop a plan for stockpiling nourishment

How will you feed yourself if SHTF? Where will you get clean water? These are important questions for anyone to ask. Seniors especially may wonder how to provide for themselves over the long term. If you have space, consider starting a vegetable garden. Keeping livestock may be too difficult and out of the realm of possibility. However, shelf-stable foods, such as the Meal, Ready-to-Eat (MRE), can be a good way to stockpile food for a disaster. In the right conditions, MREs can last for several years. Freezing them may extend the shelf life, too. Freeze dried, and canned goods can also keep for long periods of time.

How will you handle your health?

It’s a fact of life that as we age, our health doesn’t remain rock solid. Consider what you’ll need to do to take care of your health in a disaster scenario. You may want to speak to your doctor, especially if you require medication. Otherwise, the best solution is to start exercising! Even going for a walk each evening can contribute to an improvement in your physical condition. Combined with an improved diet, you’ll find you have plenty of energy to plan and work. Remember: Prepping isn’t just about making material plans. You need to prepare your body for the future, too.

It’s never too late to start prepping

You can’t beat the peace of mind that accompanies thorough preparation. That’s relief you can enjoy no matter how old you are. Don’t become discouraged and think you can’t prepare for a disaster scenario everyone has a part to play. With perseverance and proper planning, senior citizens can have a robust response ready to go in the event of a serious problem. From working out your budget to securing a supply of clean water, there’s no shortage of tasks. In between enjoying your retirement, take the time to lay some groundwork for safety into the future. It’s not as hard as you might think.