Growing Online Income

How-to Save Before, During, and After a Big Move

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You’re all excited that you’re heading to greener pastures. That new home or apartment is just on the horizon. You’re making plans, checking it twice, and really busting your butt to get everything going.

But wait… are you inadvertently spending too much on this whole thing?

Here are a few different ways to save on your move (before, during, and after) so you can get to your new location with less stress and more money in your pocket.

Before the Move

  • Make (and Stick to) a Budget – Moving expenses can quickly add up if you’re flying by without a budget. Whether you’re purchasing a home or choosing to rent it’s a wise decision to consider the following: mortgage/rent, groceries, insurance, transportation, utilities, startup/fixing expenses, and entertainment. Lay out all the possible expenses, compare it to your take-home pay, and do your best to keep it in line.
  • Cut the Junk – The less you need to move the better. Less stuff to bring along could influence the size of your new place (and thus the monthly rent/mortgage). Decluttering also forces you to spend more on the moving expenses – and could even recoup the costs if you were to sell these items at a yard sale prior to the big day.
  • Plan the Cutoff – Call and detail your moving plans to your utility companies so that you may have a definitive cutoff date which will stop any additional expenses that may occur while you’re in transit from the move.

Family Loading Moving Truck

During the Move

  • Choose a Professional – Long distance moving is stressful and could require many trips if you so choose to do so through DIY means. You could save money and create assurance when booking the move through professional services such as Through the services you’ll gain detailed guides to expedite the process, sturdy packing materials (far better than the usually suggested “grab boxes from a liquor store”), and have professionals for the heavy lifting to pick up storage (so you could continue to do your work or follow through on last minute plans).
  • Pace Yourself – Haste makes waste but it can also cause injury. Lifting heavy boxes, rushing to get things done, and driving fast all creates opportunity for harm whether it’s hurting your back from lifting, forgetting the essentials, or even finding yourself in an accident on the road. There’s no need to place those expenses on yourself just because you’re being hasty.
  • Plan a Party – Save time and a bit of money by turning the moving event into a party. Friends and family could come along to help (thus speeding up the process and getting you back to work earlier). The party could also be a subtle way to pass off unwanted items, gain a few leftovers (if you’re doing a potluck), and gain some insight about the new area or experiences on how others have saved during the process.

After the Move

  • Renegotiate Cable Bills – Most cable companies include incentives to continue service after a recent move but it may turn out to be less of a deal than other providers you gain access to once you’re in the new area. First check to see if there are cheaper alternatives but also take the time to talk to accounts representatives to see if they can roll back your monthly bills to the introductory rate or lower based on the new competition. Companies spend big bucks to acquire you as a customer and will want to keep you in the fold so use this to your advantage.
  • Learn the Area – Try to get out of the house sooner rather than later to explore your area and see what it has to offer. You will likely find a host of businesses and events that will add to your bottom line whether it’s cheaper prices for produce at a farmer’s market or local meetups and swap meets to meet other professionals or exchange goods in place of buying from big box retailers.
  • Reorganize upon Move In – Hopefully you had labeled your boxes before the move because once you’re in it’ll be far easier to unpack. Also, because you’ve organized you can then reorganize and find items you no longer need nor want since they may not be the right fit for your new location. Again, this gives you an opportunity to downsize, cut out unnecessary expenses just to “fill the areas”, and earn a few bucks by offing it at a sale.

What are some of your suggestions to save money before, during, and after a big move?