Growing Online Income

The Main Reason I LOVE ‘Living’ in Hotels

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So we’ve been on the road for around three weeks, with a week left in Indonesia before we move onto Singapore for five days then Thailand for three weeks. Everything’s going very well except for some terrible Internet on Nusa Lembongan, which meant I couldn’t really work for the better part of a week – which sounds fun, but it just made me a bit anxious!

We’ve been staying in a mixture of boutique hotels, luxury hotels and villas and, most recently, some budget accommodation. It was quite nice to mix things up as I was getting a little too used to luxury (first world problems…)

One of the things I’m really noticing – aside from how much money I’m saving by being on holiday (that’s a post for another day) – is that I’m saving a LOT of the most important thing I could save: time.

I want you to think about your day, how much of it is spent:
*Doing dishes
*Grocery shopping
*Paying bills
*Doing Laundry
*Making my bed

A few hours, I bet.

When I was at home, I wasn’t commuting so I was saving time on that, but I know of people who spend an hour each way. Two hours a day commuting to work. Ten hours a week. 500 hours a year.

Add in the cleaning… 45 mins a day? 60 mins cooking and doing dishes? How about laundry? I hated it so much I would wash clothes and then just grab them out of the laundry basket.

Let’s say at a guess I’m saving two hours a day because I’m living in hotels.

That’s two hours extra I can spend with my partner or on growing my blog.

In the past three weeks I haven’t done any of the following: cooking, cleaning, vacuuming, mopping, washing dishes, making my bed…. none of it!

I have done some laundry as I have some delicate clothes and I don’t 100% trust the local washers here to deal with expensive, delicate fabrics.

So, maybe I’m saving 2 hours a day or 14 hours a week.

Based on a rough average of my income of $15,000 a month… that’s $3,750 a week, or $100ish an hour if I worked a full time week of 37.5 hours a week (which I don’t)…

So my 14 hours of saved time could be worth at LEAST $1,400 a week if I invested it into work projects instead of cleaning, washing toilets, cooking, cleaning ovens, making my bed, folding my laundry and so on.

So tell me: how many hours of your day do you spend on cooking, cleaning, running errands and so on? How much time could you save if you were living in hotels?