Are you making your life more expensive than it should be? True, the cost of living has skyrocketed and probably, you havent had a pay rise. However, that doesnt mean that you cant save a few bucks. All you have to do is to shop smart.
1. Start from the healthy section
Your shopping should be as systematic as the employee exit interview form template. Following a particular order makes shopping easy and inexpensive. Once at the grocery store, start filling the shopping basket at the healthy foods section. Pick out all the fruits, vegetable you need. By doing this, you fill up the basket fast, and you wont have space for unnecessary, unhealthy and expensive items. Naturally, a full basket stops you from picking things you dont need.
2. Be a Number Cruncher
You can cut down costs by clipping coupons and downloading a rebate app which will make sure you dont miss out on deals. With a rebate app, you will know of rebates available on some items. All you have to do is snap a pic of your receipt. If you have a rebate, youll get a refund that you can transfer to your PayPal account. Comparing prices in different stores also saves money.
3. Buy in bulk
You can get anything in bulk and at a lower price from toilet paper to fruits and vegetables in season. Visit low-cost stores for healthy foods and avoid items that are out of season. With seasonal bulk, you can stock them up and use them later. You should also avoid fresh pre-chopped veggies as they cost more.
4. Plan ahead
Have you considered that you could be spending more because you dont plan? Other than what isnt in the pantry and the fridge, consider your meal plans for the week and the ingredients you need for each meal. Planning also saves you an unplanned trip to the store which could lead to unplanned spending.
5. Online sales
You can get about everything from online stores. Instead of visiting a local store for deals, check out online stores as they may have great deals and even free shipping.
6. Move from the grocery store
Specialty grocery stores charge more than the non-traditional grocery stores. Making this move to buy bulk items, organic produce, and grocery staples can save you more than 30 percent.
7. Dont overlook store brands
You can save a lot by buying store-branded items instead of the big name brands. Even though the packaging is boring, the products are cheaper, and the quality is same to that of name brands. In other cases, the quality of store-branded goods could be better than the name brands.
8. Look at the size/ quantity
Products of the same quality may have different packaging, quantity, and pricing and if you are not keen, you will buy something that is small but more expensive than the competing brand. In most cases, we make mistakes because the size of the container used in packaging appears large yet the quantity is small. For your moneys worth, compare the size against the price.
Final Thoughts
Use cash when shopping, find coupons before shopping, take advantage of price matches, consider alternatives, walk up and down and look up, down and around for the best prices. Also, dont buy non-grocery items at the grocery store.