Growing Online Income

5 Things Future Employers Look For

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Getting at job in this current climate can be difficult – even landing a job interview can be an effort in itself! The hiring process all starts with your resume and cover letter, so it is important to represent yourself well in these two documents. Employers in different industries may have slightly different expectations, but some will probably remain the same across the board. Here are five things that your future employers will definitely look for, so try and incorporate them into your resume and cover letter to make the best impression you can.

1. Experience

Having experience in the industry or sector you are applying for is always a big help. Some skills are also transferrable between industries; for example, customer service plays a huge role in hospitality, retail and sales, so use this to your advantage. Experience in a wide variety of fields can also be useful as it shows your future employer that you are a well-rounded candidate.

2. Education

Almost all employers will want to know about your level of education. Sometimes it may be because they are looking for particular kinds of graduates, and other times they may only want to employ those with a specific qualification. If this is the case, and it really is your dream job, all is not lost. Look into institutes like Evocca College that run a wide range of courses; you might just find the exact qualification that you want or need to help you land that job.

3. Responsibility

Employees who take responsibility for their actions and learn from them are very much appreciated by all employers. This trait is also representative of emotional maturity, which is something else that will always be welcomed by future employers.

4. Motivation

Employers like employees who are motivated, especially those who are self-motivated and don’t need much more than a push to set them on their way. Show that you are motivated by taking initiative and detailing moments in your previous positions in which you have done so.

5. Positivity

Positivity is always welcomed in the workplace and you can show this to your future employer in person, if you get an interview, as well as on paper. A smile is always a great start, and when you are asked about your weaknesses or any challenges you have faced in the past, putting a positive spin on it by focusing on how you might improve your performance in the future will create a good impression on your potential employer.

These are five things that your future employer will most likely be looking for when they scan your resume and cover letter or speak to you in an interview. There are, of course, many other traits that employers like to see in their future employees, but most of them are quite straightforward and sensible. If all else fails, read the job description again and tailor your cover letter for the points detailed there.

Are you a recruiter or are you searching for employees right now? What do you consider to be some of the things that you look for in a potential employee? Do you think some are more important than others? If so, which ones and why? Leave your thoughts down below.