Growing Online Income

Ways to Market Your New Business

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When it comes to finding customers for your new business, that old phrase “build it and they will come” no longer applies. You may have the best, most helpful business in the world but unless you’re marking it effectively, you may find that you have no customers- since no one knows you exist.

Here are some ways to market your new business:



If you don’t yet have a Facebook page for your business, it’s time to create one. Once you’ve got your profile sorted with helpful contact information for your customers, it’s time to invite your friends and family to like the page. Hopefully their friends and family will do the same, but if you’re hoping for a faster snowballing of likes, it’s time to spend a little money. Facebook advertising can work really well, or go really wrong. The trick is to know your target market so you can narrow down your ads and use them effectively. The great thing about Facebook advertising is you can choose your budget and do split testing to figure out what’s working and what’s not.

A Company Blog

In order to have customers knocking on your door, you need to prove yourself as an authority in your niche. A company blog is a great way to do this, however where most people go wrong with business blogging is simply writing about their company all the time…yawn.

No one wants to hear about your office party until they’re invested in your business. What you want to do is solve problems and provide your potential customers with actionable advice and solutions so they see you as an expert. This will keep them coming back and word will get around that your business knows what it’s talking about. This is how you get customers who need your products and believe in your services.


Letterbox Marketing

A lot of people think that leaflet delivery is dead, but they couldn’t be more wrong. In a time when more and more businesses are taking their marketing online, you can stand out from the competition and wow your customers with leaflet distribution.

The trick? You want only leaflets to be delivered so that potential customers are focused on you and your message. This is a particularly great way of marketing if you’re hoping to attract local customers.


Email remains one of the most effective ways to reach potential customers, but like blogging, it needs to be done properly. In order to be successful with email marketing you first need to build up a list. That means offering your potential customers something they need in return for their email address. Once again this comes down to knowing who your potential customer are and what problems they’re facing so you can offer solutions like a case study or ebook which will solve their problems, get them interested in your company, and give you their email address so you can market to them further. Then it’s a matter of sending interesting, tailored emails to your list.