Growing Online Income

The Market is Changing: How Best to Connect with Young Adults

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If you’re a brand chances are one of your biggest challenges is going to be how to connect and engage with a younger, more mobile orientated audience. Young adults are often the perfect consumers: they have minimal expenses, low amounts of debt and their money is mostly left over to spend on whatever they please and with some good marketing this can be spent on your product.

Young adults interact with brands much differently to generations of the past. For example, in a study by4imprint56% of young adults take to social media to discuss their interactions with and experiences with different brands. This means a subpar interaction between someone and your brand can result in considerable bad press online. Likewise, 60% of respondents said that social advertising has the most sway over their brand perceptions.

How can you engage more with your young adult audience? There’s plenty of ways to enhance your online presence, from things such as giveaways, social media pages (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and so on) and offering discounts or special deals for interactions with your media outlets. For example, 71% of those who were studied stated that they had liked a brand on Facebook in order to receive a discount or special offer. This social interaction can then be broadcast throughout their newsfeed, resulting in exposure to hundreds or even thousands of potential new clients.

Having a website and a blog is a great way to increase your social presence. Personally when I search for a restaurant, an activity or a spa and do not find a properly updated and modern Facebook page and Website, I’m suspicious of the company’s authenticity because I personally think any company would want to cash in on the business boost that an online presence can offer. A well designed online presence gives me extra confidence that this is a company or service that will be of a good quality.

If you’re interested in more ways you can improve your interactions with young adults, please check out this great video by4imprint