Growing Online Income

Ways to Make Money From a Blog

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There a few different ways to make money from a blog – just like everything in life, there’s rarely only one way to do things.

The most popular ways to make money from a blog are:

Google Adsense or Similar
This is a pay per click set up where you have ads on behalf of Google and for every click a person makes on the advertisement, you’ll earn a commission.  In order for this to be successful you need a high volume of visitors to your website. This used to be quite popular with niche websites and there are a lot of bloggers who pursue sites that are based around Adsense, such as Pat Flynn of SmartPassiveIncome. In order to do well you need a high volume of traffic, which generally means you need to be good at maximising your search results in search engines such as Google.

Selling a Product
If you have a particular skill or product you can sell it to your readers. You can create an entire blog just for the purpose of selling your product. The definition of “product” is quite loose, it could be your own services, an E-Book you’ve crafted or a physical product. This is as broad as your imagination.

Affiliate Marketing
If you don’t have a product of your own to sell, you can even sell other people’s products and earn a commission that way. There are a lot of different companies with whom you can work with, such as Amazon. People create entire websites based around selling other people’s products. If you’re really good and can get a high volume of visitors you can make a lot of money. Interestingly enough, although Pat Flynn initially started his wealth way online by selling a product, then creating websites to make money via Adsense, the majority of his income now comes from Affiliate links to Bluehost and other companies.

Sponsored Posts
These have a pretty bad reputation and are being actively attacked by Google. This is the method I’ve used to make money with blogs and it is seriously frowned upon, however I feel like it’s just a “new” type of advertising that’s probably here to stay (we’ll see). I have noticed that there is a lot more competition for sponosred posts (saturated market) and that the clients are now offering even lower rates than usual. At the moment all my eggs are in the “sponsored post” basket and I’m looking to diversify my income so that it balances out the high and low months of sponsored posts. It is quite possible to make a reasonable amount of money from sponsored posts, as you can see by looking at my monthly income reports.

Those are the main ways I know of that bloggers can make money online. I know that some bloggers, especially travel bloggers, can be paid for their time traveling or reviewing certain places, but I wouldn’t imagine this be enough to live off.

Do you know of any other ways that bloggers make money online? Let me know in the comments below.