Growing Online Income

Simple Ways to Improve Business in the New Year

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Can you believe it’s almost 2018? The year has just flown by. If you’re a business owner you may be wondering what changes you can make in the new year to improve business, cut costs and dramatically change the operations of your business. There are simple adjustments you can make to help your staff feel more appreciated and in turn that will result in a better company atmosphere as well as improved results. Here are our top tips for businesses in the new year:

1. Consider Leasing New Cars
One of the best perks of working for a company is a leased car. It is particularly important if your staff have to do a lot of travel for their job, but most high ranking employees would benefit from having a leased car. If you’re already leasing some cars for your staff, consider looking at the leasing rates and comparing to see what other companies can offer. Making changes in the leasing company can result in thousands of dollars saved each year, which you can reinvest into the company. If you’re in the market for a new leased car, why not lease a Mercedes A Class for your business?

2. Invest in Team Building
If you’ve worked in an environment where there wasn’t much connection or friendship between the staff, it can be a pretty uncomfortable place to be, especially if you need to spend around 40 hours per week there. Fostering a staff environment that’s friendly and fun will go a long way in improving your staff’s job satisfaction and productivity. Consider fun exercises that help bring out different sides of people’s personalities so they can get to know each other better. One of my favourite activities for team building is doing an escape room together. If you’ve not done one before, essentially you are locked in a room with a timer – usually an hour – and are left to figure out a series of clues to escape in time. Most escape rooms require that you work together and communicate well in order to get out in time. Other great options for team building exercises include sports days, adventure activities and bowling. Sometimes being in a different environment with the same people can do wonders for their closeness.

3. Focus on Retail Security
If your business is in the retail sector, chances are a big part of your expenses are due to product theft and insecurity. You can make small changes to your business in order to make it more secure and to help prevent loss. Investing in high-quality cameras work well in deterring theft and the image quality has really improved in recent years, so you may even be able to track down any offenders stupid enough to try while you have such good security systems. Costs can be expensive to set up a proper retail security system but are worth it because you’ll reduce your product loss and provide you with extra peace of mind.