Growing Online Income

Why Video Is the Secret Sauce of Successful Marketing

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For people who can remember the dawn of MTV, the era of Music Television was ushered in with the hit, “Video Killed the Radio Star.” The famous network would, throughout the years, become less about audio, or even music, and lean more toward pure video. While video content may not necessarily kill written content, there is no doubt that content is king and video is gaining on the written word in popularity. As screens get smaller, fewer people want to squint to read, and carrying a mobile on the go can mean significant distractions that can interfere with reading. Playing a video can be simpler than reading an article and can be an effective way to market your products.


Video is Busting out All Over

While teachers and intellectuals express dismay at the popularity of video over good prose, the truth is that teachers and intellectuals have been saying that for decades, and yet people still do read. However, video is growing in popularity as a marketing tool because it garners immediate attention. We all have visited sites where there is a video automatically playing, and while this seemed like an annoying tactic at first, people have gotten used to simply pressing the off switch if they don’t want to see or listen to. People often decide whether or not they going to read an article, but a video can grab them immediately and they are lured in faster.

There are many advantages to using video as a marketing tool. First of all, video is cheaper to create than ever before. Almost anyone can put up a YouTube video or snap a short movie on the phone. However, this is all the more reason why your business needs high-quality video that has a professional touch and to distinguish it from the homemade varieties. Video also can improve so-called stickiness for your website.

Stickiness refers to the ability not only to attract visitors to your site but to keep them there longer. While watching the video, a visitor’s eyes may move to the sides of the website where he or she will see ads and interesting written content. In fact, far from compromising your written content strategy, video content can create interest in articles that provide more information. Videos also provide an effective call to action and can encourage visitors to click on a link, subscribe or purchase a product. A video also creates a personal connection, especially if the person talking is the owner the company or a satisfied customer.


Ways to Use Video to Strengthen Your Brand

Not all video is created equal, and nor are all video marketing strategies. It is vital to have a comprehensive approach to creating videos that promote your brand. Hampton Creek, for example, has a variety of videos that stimulate the imagination and emotion, provide information, instruct the potential customer and validate the quality of the products. When you visit the site, there is a section of the top called, “Just” which has a highly artistic video discussing the philosophy of the brand from the point of view of an ordinary person expressing a desire to eat healthy food. This video generates interest in the other content on the site which provides information about Hampton Creek products.

On YouTube, you can find Hampton Creek recipes. One good way to attract customers is to give them something useful. A recipe is a great way to make your potential customers feel informed and encourages shares on social media. If you sell air conditioners, for example, you can put out an instructional video on how to care for and troubleshoots your air conditioner and when you need someone to repair or replace it. This kind of video generates interest, informs the customer and encourages him or her to use your service. Another Hampton Creek video features CEO Josh Tetrick on a television interview discussing why 99% of the food we eat is unhealthy. The success of this video depends on a surprising statistic given by an authoritative source who represents the brand. Hampton Creek is also the subject of videos on YouTube that feature influencers in the healthy eating space who give product reviews. A video strategy should include company representative discussing the product and a third-party providing validation of the products.

Content is still king but it’s is the most effective when used in various forms. Content strategy should include a diverse approach including video, written content and social media updates. Videos give your website stickiness, improve user engagement and can foster customer loyalty.