Growing Online Income

Using Online Services to Save Money

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In a climate where spare cash is often hard to come by, today’s generation is constantly on the lookout for ways to boost their personal income or to save money. Luckily by ways of the internet, there are many services that are slowly replacing the traditional ones, which are in fact cheaper and more convenient for those willing to learn how to use them.



For the cost of only the TV licence (in some countries it is a legal requirement) you can now watch your favourite television online. Most major channels have an online streaming service, where you can watch programmes on your laptop or tablet. This eliminates the need to pay for an expensive TV package or even a TV if you don’t want one. If you’re not sure what streaming is, or if you want information on other alternatives, CBC have put together a guide.

Instead of buying expensive consoles, which can cost hundreds, there are many ways to game using the technology you already have. Websites like Steam, allow users to sign up and access a huge collection of games. Whilst consumers still have to pay for games, they are often cheaper as digital versions for PC, rather than physical versions for consoles. Steam often has sales where prices drop dramatically and users can buy games for the fraction of the price. Online betting services offer initial discounts for customers, so they can game for less, like red flush casino promotions.




For people who live in smaller flats with no washing machine or dryer there is a new apps available, which offers click and collect dry cleaning. It is available on android and the app store, and prices start from just £2; it could cost less than going to the launderette and is much more convenient.

Over recent years many supermarkets have added online shopping to their list of services, but there are is a new types of supermarket. Which are only online. They offer halal meat, world foods and have a large range of free from products – more so than you would find in your normal supermarket.

There are also a number of online cleaning services, operating all over the country. They offer no contracts and very reasonable pricing – from as little as £10 per hour.

Banking and Cash

Instead of using banks and travel agents to gain a foreign currency, Peer-to-peer exchange allows people to buy foreign money without a middle man. This cuts the cost of exchange and leaves the buyer with more money overall, while explaining a new app (in July this year) Laurence Cooke describes how this is a transition towards replacing physical cash all together with digital currency. P2p is particularly good if you need to send money abroad.

Bitcoin, is an online currency that was brought out in 2009, it is not centralised and the first digital currency. It can be bought by actual currency and is exchanged for online services. It is thought that Bitcoin will become more and more popular as the digital age goes on. The currency is largely unregulated, but one to watch if you have an internet business or are particularly computer savvy.