Growing Online Income

Dress for Success: What to Wear at Work

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First impressions last a lifetime and in the business world, what you wear makes a real difference. There have been all sorts of workwear fashions from power dressing to the more casual wear of creatives but dressing right could give you a big advantage.

Whatever you wear, you are going to make an impression. The most important thing is that you make the impression you want to make, rather than accidentally come across in the wrong way. You need to be as in control of your wardrobe as you are in your job.

Whether you are looking for a new opportunity, want to get a promotion or you are meeting with new clients, you should pay attention to what you are wearing. It could make a huge difference.

Mastering Smart Casual

Workwear is getting more and more relaxed, with CEOs like Mark Zuckerberg favouring hoodies to such an extent that his choice to wear a suit before Congress became news! However, this does make figuring out how to look smart without being overdressed a whole new minefield for 21st century workers.

Jeans are a common choice as you can get smart, dark jeans and wear them with a shirt to capture the ultimate in smart casual wear. But there are some other choices. The key is to make sure that your clothes are well structured, match well and are clean and ironed. Women can smarten up most outfits with a pashmina or scarf and men can add a jacket too.

Looking for the Details

We all like to pay attention to the details and finishing off a good outfit with jewellery or accessories can make all the difference. You should also think about your personal grooming and take care to make sure that your hair is neat, facial hair is trimmed and your hands and nails are clean.

In some careers, it can be difficult to add finishing touches beyond your usual washing regime. Medical staff, in particular, should not be wearing jewellery while they are working – so what can they do to stand out? Well, as it turns out, even they can wear something a little different from the Med Couture Scrub Shop. With bright colours and patterns, these scrubs add the little details you want without breaking the rules.

Achieving a Variety of Looks

When you are on a budget, it isn’t easy to make up lots of different and interesting outfits. But there is a way to make more with less. Creating a capsule wardrobe is really quite easy: all you need to do is make sure that everything you buy will go with at least 3 other things in your wardrobe and make the most of the basics. You can make all kinds of looks with a white shirt and jeans plus accessories.

Wearing something different every day will give you the confidence you need to make the most of your career and bring in new opportunities. This is power dressing for the 21st century, so own it’s time to go and strut your stuff!