Growing Online Income

How to make money from affiliate websites

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If youve been thinking about making money from affiliate websites, congratulations! While this takes a lot of work, its well worth making it happen so you can enjoy having money coming in while you sleep.

Here are some tips:

Pick a good niche

This is arguably the most important decision youll make as you embark on earning from affiliate websites. Some people will choose a physical product, which they can use for reviews like, while others can use betting sites as an affiliate program. is one successful example of such site.

Product reviews

Whether youre reviewing websites or products, product reviews are a great way to get lots of clicks and therefore lots of conversions. However, your review will also need to be a cut above, so its well worth taking the extra time to write a helpful, informative post. If youre reviewing actual products, see if you can get in touch with the manufacturers PR agency or marketing team and ask if they can send you a product to review. Otherwise, you should buy the product youre reviewing so you can give an honest opinion and ensure you wont damage your online reputation.

Get a list

Building an email list is the way to go if youre trying to make money from affiliates. While this can be challenging, email marketing is still the best form of marketing, since so many people continually check their emails throughout the day.

Some ways to create an email list include offering a buyers guide or some other form of helpful information in return for their email address.

There are a few different options when it comes to sending emails to your list, and two of the most popular include Aweber and MailChimp. Each have their pros and cons, and the best type for you will depend largely on the size of your mail list and how often you plan to email.

Use the holidays

People are naturally looking for a good deal during the holidays, so this is always a good time to up your marketing. If you use physical products, find some great deals and link as many times as you can. If you make the product image clickable, youll be likely to get greater conversions. Holidays are also great even if you dont have a physical product- people generally have more free time, and are willing to try things that they would otherwise be too busy to try during the year.


SEO is hugely important for a number of reasons. Without creating an optimised website with helpful content and lots of keywords, youll be lagging in the Google search results. It can take time to build up great SEO, but one of the best ways to do this is to reach out to others in your niche and do some link building. Guest posts are a great way to do this, as youll have access to a whole new market of readers as well.