Growing Online Income

How to give more in 2019?

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2018 was a trainwreck for a lot of people. Many of us were simply hanging on trying to get through the year, so you’re not alone if you feel like you didn’t give much and you’d like to step up your game in 2019.

Here are some ways you can give more in 2019:

Pick a charity

Donating to charity is a great way to give more. You can set up regular donations so you don’t even need to think about it, and can even donate via direct debit. Often, you can write off your donations to charity, so if you’ve been meaning to donate to a charity you love, now’s the time to get started.


Not everyone can afford to donate, but you can always donate your time. There are thousands of organizations looking for volunteers- from hospitals to homeless shelters. Look for a volunteer program that matters to you, and commit to regularly giving a few hours of time.

Look around you

It’s easy to forget that the people around you could use a helping hand. You may know a single mom who could really use a few hours of childcare each week so she can have some time out or a struggling family who’s relying on food stamps. Maybe someone you know is dealing with chronic illness or a disease or has had a family member die. Make an effort to keep an eye out for people like these, and look for ways you can help. An anonymous donation of a voucher for dinner at a restaurant, some groceries, or even a listening ear will often be more than welcome for people who are going through a rough time.

Encourage friends and family

When people work together, big things happen. If you’ve recently found an amazing organization that’s doing great work, or you know someone who could really use a hand, now’s the time to get others involved. You can help out in a number of ways. Maybe you can set up a Go Fund Me, or arrange for a group of friends to shovel snow for the elderly on your street. Perhaps you’d like to hold a cookout to raise money for someone you know, or your family member has mentioned that they’re looking for a hobby. Getting others involved is easier than you might think, so be sure to spread the word about opportunities to volunteer and donate.