Growing Online Income

3 Insurance Fears that You Don’t Need to Worry About

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Recent years have brought about big changes in the world of insurance. With the Affordable Care Act, the world of insurance has been fundamentally altered. And if you follow the news even a little bit, you know that the transition has not been without its growing pains. This has led to a lot of apprehension (and misapprehension) about the state of insurance today. With so many rumors running around, it’s no wonder that people are confused. But in addition to confusion, people are also pretty worried. So for folks, like this, I want to allay some fears and talk about the three biggest misunderstandings about insurance today.


1)    My Health Will Be A Barrier to Availability and Affordability. This is actually one of the fears that the ACA was meant to settle once and for all. Health insurance providers are not allowed to deny you because of a pre-existing condition. This is great news to people in all sorts of situations, many of whom lacked solid healthcare previously. But what of life insurance? Because the life insurance industry is still a much more private affair than is health insurance, people who worry about being denied affordable plans due to ailment or illness may have a more reasonable worry on their hands. But luckily, there is a way out. Life insurance companies that offer no exam coverage exist in great numbers. And they’re easy to find if you know where to look. InsureChance is able to find the best, most all-encompassing, most affordable plan for you, without increasing the rates you’ll pay. You can rest assured that your loved ones will be covered on day, no matter what is presently going on in your life.

2)    My Healthcare Choices Will Be Reduced. This concern isn’t related directly to the ACA, but to one of the effects of it. To cut costs, many top tier insurance companies (like Aetna) are acquiring other companies. Many industry people are worried that industry consolidation will result in fewer choices being available to the insured. But this isn’t how things are turning out, at least not yet. Because businesses and individuals are still these companies’ bread and butter, people like you are able to “vote with your wallet”, by educating yourself about available plans, and accepting only that which is a good fit.


3)    My Healthcare Will Be too Expensive. Though there are exceptions, there have been significant savings for most people over what they used to pay for healthcare. This is especially true among previously underinsured working families. I know one family of seven personally who pay only $60 a month for premium care. Like many who didn’t necessarily want the ACA to happen, they’ve learned to like it a lot more once they saw the personal price tag.

As you can see, people carry a lot of worries about healthcare. But many of them are unfounded. With a little education and research is more available and affordable than ever before. You just have to know where and how to look for it.