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10 ‘Bad’ Foods You Should Eat

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You’ll love us for this one.

It feels like we’re constantly being told to avoid the most delectable foods because they’re ‘bad’ for our health, and it can be difficult to eat a diet that doesn’t offend the health gurus. The health insurance experts at Medibroker have reviewed the trust behind these myths and dispelling their reputation.



Anything that tastes as glorious as chocolate must be bad for us, right? Wrong – but it all depends on the type you eat. Dark chocolate has a high percentage of cocoa solids which is rich in antioxidants that provides improved cardiovascular health and is less fattening than milk or white chocolate. Yes it is slightly bitter, but this means you can eat less but can still satisfy your sweet tooth. Even better, chocolate has been shown to reduce cortisol levels. So next time you’re feeling stressed, reach for a bar of chocolate.


Avocado is known for being high in fat but also delicious, avocado is the main ingredient in guacamole, which to everyone’s knowledge is calorific. Even so, avocado is the health fanatics’ favourite superfood at the moment. Just scrolling through Instagram you’ll notice the green stuff has overtaken your feed. Why? One-fifth of a medium avocado has 50 calories but it contributes nearly 20 vitamins and minerals, making it a great choice for consumption.


Nuts may be high in fat, but it’s the good kind. Unsaturated fat is great for your hair, nails, skin and heart. If you only need a small serving of certain kinds of nut to reap the nutritional rewards, and they all have their differences. Almonds provide Vitamin E, pistachios can help your eyesight. Do your research and then – ahem – go nuts.



Red meat gives you cancer, the magazines say. What doesn’t these days? Lean cuts of beef are in fact low in fat and provide protein and iron, which many women have deficiencies in. In fact, beef provides a type of iron that absorbs much better than iron from plants. Try to buy organic meat with little marbling for a healthier option without the added fat.


We’re all terrified of carbs, and bread has become the enemy. What you really need to do is avoid refined grain and stick to wholemeal to get your fibre, vitamins and minerals. Many people wrongly attribute their less-than-perfect health to eating bread: in fact, only 1% of the population actually need to eat a gluten or wheat-free diet. The reason it’s become a holy grail for healthy eaters is that by eating less gluten, you’re also avoiding extra calories and so feel better.

Full fat yogurt

Low fat yogurt is often cited as a diet food, but the truth is it lacks the goodness of its full-fat friend. Whole milk dairy products are usually healthier than the artificial alternatives. It may seem contradictory, but people who consume more full-fat dairy products have been shown to weigh less – probably because these products are richer and so they are likely to not eat so much to feel full.



Eggs are avoided by those trying to eat a diet low in cholesterol, but the ‘sunny side’ is that they do have their place in a balanced diet. Medical experts now say that saturated fats and trans fats are bigger culprits in raising blood cholesterol than eggs. In fact, the Japanese are among the biggest egg eaters in the world, and they have a low rate of heart disease. Why? Because they eat a diet low in saturated fat.

There have also been studies that suggest those who eat their egg and soldiers for breakfast have stomachs satisfied for longer, meaning they eat less, later in the day.

Peanut butter

Another no-no for the calorie counters. Yes, it’s high in calories. But peanut butter is a great source of protein and folate, a B vitamin important for the healthy development of new cells.


Simply add a little olive oil to a baked potato and it’s confusingly transformed from a high-GI nutritional no-no into a low GI health food. The added fat slows the rate at which your body absorbs the tatty’s carbohydrates, meaning it now provides slow-release energy along with fiber, potassium and Vitamin C. Weird, right?


Aren’t you glad you read till the end? While there are obvious risks attached to alcohol consumption, research has shown that a moderate alcohol intake can improve heart health.  Wine can even reduce the risk of blood clots – just stick to the one glass.