Growing Online Income

7 Ways to Sell What You Know Online

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If you want to make money online, you can do it. You just need a good idea and the know-how to make it happen. For example, why not teach people something you already know and create an online course? You can turn a profit showing and instructing people about what you already know.

A fast way to gauge the interest in a course is to see how many people are asking about a certain subject online. What are t  he interest levels? Take a poll and find out what people want to know. Also, see how many courses are being offered in your area of expertise. If you notice several of the same courses featured online, it denotes a high demand.

Before you start making money, you need to set up your course on a learning management system (LMS).

The course builder on an LMSallows you to break up courses into lessons, topics, sections, and quizzeswhile drip feeding the lesson material. You can also establish prerequisites, set up a forum to discuss your course(s), add a gradebook, give points for courses, and award certificates.

How to Make Money for Your Course

Now that you know how you can set up your course, you can figure out the best way to make money.

1. Charge for the Course Upfront

Many students would rather pay a one-time charge before they begin a course. That way, they don’t have to worry about paying a recurring charge month after month. If the price is right, this is one of the best methods to make money from a featured course.Plus, by using this approach, you are more likely to get people to sign up again for a new course featured on your site.

2. Offer the Course for Free but Charge for the Certificate

By using this method, you will build trust with your learners. People will pay for certification as it shows that a course has value educationally and professionally. It also gives them a reason to demonstrate what they know to an employer or clients.

3. Charge a Subscription

If you provide an ongoing learning program, charge a subscription. That way, you can continue to make money on theseries of courses youprovide.This is the best way to charge for coursework that covers several subtopics or specialties.

4. Ask for Tiered Payments

You might also think about providing free courses, then charging a fee once your learners reach a more advanced level.

5. Provide Your Course for Free and Funnel it into a Product or Service

If you offer a course on for free, you can also use it toward helping you sell another product or service you are offering. For example, you might feature a course on grammar use and tie it in with writing or editing service.

6. Presell Your Course

Before you create a course, you might test pilot a lesson to check the response. If people like the lesson and want to sign up for the course, you can go ahead and create the course material. If not, you can redirect your focus and createa course theymay like better. This is a great way to test the waters when developing an online learning program.

7. Sell Licenses for the Courses Your Create

Some companies only want to market a course, not create it. Therefore, you can produce a course and sell its license to another company, colleting the fee annually. If you choose this method, you will need to take some time promoting your course to businesses or companies, which can host or sponsor your course online.

What do you think? Do you have an idea for course in mind? If so, you can make money online. Take the above steps and see where it takes you. Try out a couple of the above ideas to see which concept reaps the best results.