Growing Online Income

Top Side Hustles

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The world is changing, quickly. The norm is no longer one-income-families, but instead two parents working to make life more comfortable. If you work in a traditional job, are a student or are a stay at home parent, you might be interested in getting into “side hustles” which are basically things you do on the side to make money. There are lots of different options, such as making money through blogs, selling things online or even trading. I never had an opportunity to explore any side hustles as I started working online because I was broke and traveling the world, but if I had these are the things I would have looked into: 

There are some people who make a full income from day trading, or trading on the Forex. I really have no experience in this – the closet things is when I bought and sold some Bitcoin. If you’re new to trading you could look at learning through a specialised company such as Learn To Trade, that can help guide you through the process, check out their Facebook  if you’re interested. Otherwise, you can spend a lot of time researching and following the market. I started following Bitcoin months and months before I spent a dime on it and am happy to report I made fairly decent profits on my Bitcoin investment. 

Selling on Ebay:
I know of a few bloggers who have made a decent amount of money selling on Ebay. They often go to garage sales and buy things they think they could sell for more and turn a profit. Personally, I would be cautious of this kind of side hustle as it seems very time intensive and you need to put a value on your time, but if you were particularly knowledgable in antiques you could probably do really well for yourself. 

Of course I would suggest blogging as it is my own personal income and I’ve even written a little guide to how to build a blog. Blogging takes a lot of time to become successful, but if you’re like me and love writing it doesn’t even feel like a job. Once you’ve built a blog there are a few ways to make money from it, such as through affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, or even through partnerships. 

Freelance Writing: 
Before my blogging “took off” I was doing a lot of freelance writing jobs, which was easy for me as it was something I really enjoyed. I’ve made a post on how to get into freelance writing if that’s something that interests you. One thing I really enjoyed about freelance writing was that I only needed a laptop to make my income, which makes it a pretty low entry point. You could even get into being a virtual assistant or consulting online if you have some special skills to offer. 

Side hustles are a great way to transform your income, boost your savings and kickstart your debt repayment. Have you ever had a side hustle? What kind of hustle is your favourite?