Growing Online Income

Be Happy, Healthy, and Wealthy By Getting These Hobbies

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There is a famous quote attributed to various people which goes something like this: “Have three hobbies you love: one to make you money, one to keep you in shape, and one to be creative.” Because this is a money blog, I’ll talk about the second two just a little. But without the second two, it’s hard to do very well at the first one. Creativity is something that is very fulfilling for those who find a way to do it. You don’t have to have artistic talent or be terribly good at anything, really. As long as you are pushing yourself to grow in an area where you make something (muffins, birdhouses, paintings, whatever), it’ll scratch the creative itch.

The hobby that keeps you in shape will help fuel all of your other goals. A healthy body feeds a healthy brain. When you’re in shape, you’ll have more energy and drive. You will spend less time being sick and tired, and you will find it easier to have meaningful relationships with your other two hobbies. This brings us to the money hobby. There are a lot of ways to pull this off. Some people have a hard time accepting the notion of a full time job. But when your life has the other two hobbies represented, making money can seem like not so demanding a drag on your time. Here are some ideas for how you can make a hobby out of your living.


1)       Forex Trading. Forex Trading online brokerage is the process of using a broker to record and pay out spread bets made about the compared values of two different currencies or financial instruments over time. There are bunch of Forex brokers working online, and the process is easy to learn. But it’s hard to master. The best users get a sense of the rhythm of the process and make big wins that carry them through losses, even if they have a win:loss ratio of less than 1:2. This is a great financial hobby for people who want to learn more about the way currencies play into world events, and vice versa. If you love finance, investment, and gaming, this may be the perfect solution for you.


2)       Design and Photography. If you already have a skill, like photography or web design, why not let it start working for you? It’s possible to take on freelance work relatively easy, using job bidding sites like Elance. You’ll quickly be able to build a clientele and develop your skills into mastery. This way, you’ll be able to do something that you enjoy and pay the bills with it. Skills like this can be turned into meaningful and viable careers faster than you might think. So take stock of that which you are good at and that you also enjoy. If you can identify even one area like this, this might be a discipline that you start to use for money.

There are plenty of other hobbies you can turn into money-making pursuits. Don’t be afraid to step out and make it happen. If you’re good at it and you enjoy it, there’s a way to turn it into a trade.